We are found

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You slowly opened your eyes. You found yourself in a comfortable bed wrapped in warm blankets.

,,Good morning beautiful," a voice came from behind you. You smiled and looked at Bendy, who was lying behind you. He leaned closer to you and placed a tender kiss on your cheek. ,,How was the night?"

,,The best." you chuckled at the memory of everything that happened.

,,I'm glad it was," your devil darling replied and hugged you from behind. ,,Any plans for today?"

,,Nothing comes to mind," you replied. ,,What about you?"

,,I can think of many things." Bendy smirked and kissed your neck when you suddenly heard voices from afar.

,,Wait... do you hear that?" you asked and got up from the bed, heading to the door.

,,Oh c'mon." Bendy groaned and reluctantly stood up, following you.

,,Hey..I know it..." you whispered, quietly opening the door when you finally realized. ,,Bendy! I got it!" you squeaked and ran out.

You were running through a long hall until you turned into the right corner and bumped into the source of the voice.

,,Allison!" you screamed and hugged her.

,,(Y/N) wha-..we've been looking for you for hours..where have you been? And what are you wearing?"

You looked at your brown nightgown Bendy has given to you from the ladies wardrobe.

,,Well it's a little hard to explain-"

When you almost finished the sentence, the steps from behind you approached. Bendy appeared at the corner and walked over to you.

,,Oh god..." Allison gasped and ran out in front of you, getting hold of her machete. ,,Stay back

,,Wait stop!" you shouted, but it was too late. Allison ran straight to the ink demon, who easily took the machete from her hands. By that time you managed to run between the two.

,,What are you doing?" your sister shouted at you. ,,Get out of there!"

,,Please just let me explain," you said, looking at her.
,,And promise me you won't freak out."

Allison nodded her head, looking at Tom who was standing next to her.

,,You remember when I told you that Alice killed someone I loved?"

The couple nodded, unsure what you meant.

,,Let me..introduce him to you." you said carefully and pointed at Bendy. ,,Bendy, meet my sister Allison and her husband Tom..guys..meet my boyfriend."

Allison and Tom were looking at you and Bendy with widened eyes.

,,Your what?" she asked in disbelief. ,,You have to be kidding me."

,,I'm not." you replied with a serious expression.

,,But-he's a monster! All this time he's just been killing others and chasing us and-"

,,But he has changed," you cut her off. ,,He's not like that anymore. I can guarantee that."

Bendy reached out his hand to your sister as a sign of acquaintance. Allison handed her hand to his with a little uneasiness and together sealed their new friendship with a handshake.

,,Well," she said after a moment. ,,One problem remains. Alice. Now that we have your..inky friend thing, we should be outnumbered, but we still have to be prepared. Come to the safehouse, we have to go for some things. Oh and (Y/N)..honestly get dressed. Please."

The couple turned and headed towards the safehouse. You wanted to follow them, but Bendy reached out for your hand. You turned and looked at him. He had that look again. He was concerned.

,,Al?" you called out. ,,Go ahead! We'll be right there."

Allison nodded and with Tom continued walking their way, while you and Bendy were standing alone in the middle of the corridor in silence.

,,Come." he said, and with your hand in his he led you back to his apartment.

In apartment

,,Bendy, what are we doing here?" you questioned when you came in.

,,Please just wait here." he said to you and went into the bedroom. You sat on the couch and sighed. What was wrong?

After a while he came out of the bedroom. You stood up and watched as he stood before you. Ink was pouring down from him faster than usual.

,,What's wrong?" you asked with concern in your voice. ,,You know you can talk to me..You look sick."

,,I'm not..it's just not working out as much as I thought it would." he smiled nervously.

,,What are you talking about?"

,,Maybe it would've been better after we will have dealed with Alice, but now I just feel it."

,,Feel what?"

,,(Y/N)..you're the best thing that has happened to me in my entire life. You're the joy and hope I've been seeking for such a long time. I can't even describe in words what you mean to me and how much I love you." he said, looking straight into your eyes. ,,Or maybe..there is a way."

He took a last breath before he knelt down on his knee and pulled a ring of beautiful black crystal from behind his back.

,,Will you marry me?"

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now