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Thank you so much for 13k!! Love you all so much. Enjoy the chapter ❤️

Silence was rulling in the room. You and your sister were looking at each other, both with tears in your eyes.

,,Allison..?" you whispered, when your sister suddenly hugged you tightly and started crying.

,,Oh god..." she cried. ,,(Y/N), I... I can't believe it."

,,Me too..." you cried out. ,,You can't even imagine how difficult it was to be with you without you remembering me."

Allison chuckled and wiped the ink tears that were running down her cheeks.

,,You've changed so much," she smiled. ,,You're so..grown up."

,,7 years have definitely made some changes." you laughed. ,,Finally we are together..sissy."

Allison looked at the wall, where Hissy Sissy was written. ,,I'm not surprised it was the first thing I remembered."

The safehouse door opened and Tom entered the room. As soon as he saw both of you, he understood.

The axe fell out of his hands. Allison turned to see the source of the sound, and when she saw who was standing in the door, tears began to build up in her eyes again.

,,Tom!" she screamed, jumping into his arms. Tom hugged her strongly, and you could have sworn you saw a small glimpse of tears in his eyes.

,,I think Mr. and Mrs. Connor are back, huh?" he smiled.

,,Of course they are." Allison smiled and let Tom to place a tender kiss on her lips. You smiled. Seeing your sister happy made you happy too. But suddenly your eyes fell on something else. From behind the open door you saw Alice, Sammy and a few searchers coming from behind.

,,Watch out!" you screamed and ran to the door, closing it. Allison and Tom pulled away from each other and looked at you in fear.

,,She's here!" you shouted. ,,We have to do something!"

,,The table!" Allison screamed, pointing to the table behind her. ,,Tom, help me!"

Together they pushed the table and barricaded the door.

,,Oops, obviously I broke a sweet family reunion." Alice laughed from behind the door. ,,Open the door and let us celebrate, too."

,,Go to hell, Alice!"

,,I'm already there. We all are." she said with a little sad tone in her voice. ,,Now come out and make it easier for yourselves."

,,What do we do?" Allison whispered. ,,We have nowhere to go."

You remained silent. You were afraid this was the end. First Bendy, now Allison and Tom, and then you, but suddenly you realized something. You've been here before, and you got away through another way than through the door.

,,There!" you pointed up at the little door on the ceiling . ,,Shaft! I've gone this way before, it leads to level 14."

,,Great." Allison replied with hope in her voice. Tom climbed up first and reached out his mechanial hand for your sister. She handed it to him, and she was up a moment later. You were already about to stretch your hand too, when Alice's voice came from behind the door.

,,Running away, (Y/N?) Will you not avenge the one who died because of you?"

Those words hurt you and paralyzed you in some sense. You lowered your hand and turned to the door.

,,(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Allison shouted from the top. ,,We must go! Now!"

,,But she's right..." you whispered.

,,She just wants to trick you to come out! You can't do anything alone and without any weapon against her!"

One of the searchers hit the door. It was a powerful impact that pushed the table that served as a barricade.

,,Come on! Give me your hand!"

Your mind was racing. You didn't know what to do, so you just looked at the door, which began to open more and more every second by searchers crashing into it. There was not much left to open.

,,(Y/N)!" Allison screamed again. You clenched your fists and took her hand. Just in the moment she lifted you up, the safehouse door opened with a loud crash and searchers entered with Sammy and Alice. Before you closed the shaft door, you looked at her.
She gave you a vicious smirk, with Bendy's heart in her hands.


After you got to level 14, you went to the upper levels via lift. Somehow Tom managed to find something similar to the safehouse they were in before, just a little smaller and dustier.

,,Once we have to go back there," Allison said as she put her machete on the table. ,,We left all of our stocks there."

,,What we have now will last for about a week, then I'll go there." Tom offered, when he placed few cans of bacon soup on the table.

,,There's the book," Allison replied, pulling out Alice's diary from her pocket. You got up from the old bed and wanted to go for it when you suddenly fell to the ground with a loud scream.

,,(Y/N!)" Allison screamed with fear as she and Tom knelt down to you. ,,What's happening?!"

You felt an incredible pain that was flowing through your whole body.

,,My hand..." you hissed from pain.

With shaking hands, Allison pushed back your sleeve.

When she saw what was below it, she stayed speechless.

Your whole hand was made of ink.

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now