Alice Angel

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After you and Bendy finished your conversation, both of you sat back on the couch and watched the cartoons. But your loud and hungry stomach made Bendy to take a sketchbook and start writing.

'You hungry?'

You nodded in response. Bendy got up and headed to the kitchen. You wanted to help him, but when you stood up he gently pushed you back on the couch and signaled you to wait.

So, you sat back and waited.

After a while, Bendy returned with a can of Bacon Soup and handed it to you. You thanked him and started eating. Your body felt an immense relief.

,,You won't eat?" you asked.

'I don't eat.' he wrote and looked at you. 'So, (Y/N), what would you like to do today?'

You were silent for a moment, thinking. You definitely didn't want to sit in front of tv and watch cartoons, but you didn't think there was anything else you could do here.

,,I have no idea." you replied. Almost immediately, Bendy got up from the couch, gently grabbed your hand and headed towards the wall. You growled a little, he didn't let you finish your meal.

When he almost walked through the portal with you, you stopped him.

,,What if we walked to where you want to take me?" you asked. ,,It would be better for me so I don't get lost.

'You're not going to get lost,' Bendy chuckled. 'I'll always be here for you. I'll be your personal guide."

You blushed a little and smiled. Bendy didn't make the ink portal, but instead led you through the corridors of the studio until you finally entered the lift. As you were lowering down, you passed the She's quite a gal place where you heard your sister's voice. You sighed, but you didn't tell Bendy anything. You didn't want to upset him. You didn't want to know what he would do to you if he'd lost his temper.

When the lift stopped and opened the metal door, Bendy led you into a web of corridors. Nothing special was in this place, just some posters and appliances.

,,Uhm... what are we doing here?"

'There's the place where we'll start playing.'

,,Playing what?"

'Hide and seek.'

Your jumped from joy. You loved the game, and it didn't matter if you were 4 or 19.

'With my ol' pal Boris it was our favorite game, even though I always won, of course.'

,,Well, your winning times are over, mister." you replied confidently with a smile on your lips.

'Someone's very confident here, huh? I like it, but I have to disappoint you, doll face. You don't stand a chance.'

,,You think so?"

'I know so.'

,,May the best one win, then."

With these words you started running down the halls, unaware of where you were. You were running through different passages, trying to find a good hiding spot, but after a while you got lost. Everything looked the same here.

You leaned against the wall, you had to catch your breath, but your eyes fell on the dusty book that was laying beneath the table. On the table was Alice Angel plushie and on the wall Alice Angel poster.

You walked to the table, picked up the book, and began to scroll through its pages. The strange thing was that the pages were completely empty. All of them.

You cocked your eyberows and were ready to close the book, but you noticed something that widened your eyes. On the first page was written letter A.

You bet it wasn't there before.

,,What the.." you whispered, examining the book. But all of a sudden the letters began to write themselves. You gasped and dropped the book on the floor. With your heart pounding, you just stood over the book and stared at it with a frightened look, until you finally decided and knelt to it. You slowly picked the object up and opened it. Your eyes fell on the text that was written on the first page.

,,Alice Angel.." you read with a whisper.

,,I'm Alice Angel." a voice spoke behind you.

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now