Visiting the old workshop

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Seven years have passed since your sister disappeared. You have grown into a young 19-year-old woman who loved voicing characters, just like Allison. In all these seven years, you begged your parents to take you to the studio where your sister once worked, but they always refused with a sentence ,,it's dangerous", and whenever you pulled the topic up they started yelling at you. So you were looking for different ways to get there, whether with your friends, bus, train... but parents always found out and took away all the money you earned from voice acting so you couldn't pay for the transport. Since she left, they have changed. They have become more protective and strict in fear that the same fate would meet their younger child as it did their older one.

You are just finishing your last year at high school and planning to go to an art college in another state. But your parents didn't allow you to. Since Allison's disappearance, they were barely letting you go out alone. When you were little you were fine with that, but as you grew up you got quite annoyed and didn't understand why they were doing it. Yes, Allison disappeared, but what did you have to do with it?You were careful, after all.

,,Mom, dad, I got it!" you said joyfully as you came into the living room. In your hand you were holding a license of the successful completion of the driver's license.

,,We're so proud of you," your mom said, handing you the keys from her old car she gave you on 19th birthday.

,,Try to not to crash it at the first attempt." your dad exclaimed with a smirk.

-Time Skip-

It was 5 a.m. and you were silently sneaking through the halls of your house.

You came to the kitchen and opened the cabinets silently, from which you took packed food and put it in your backpack. You sighed in relief when you closed all the cabinets without waking your parents and got to the front door. But as soon as you put your hand on the door handle, the house lit up.

,,Where do you think you're going, young lady?" said a stern voice from the end of the room.

'Shit,' you thought, turning slowly to look into your mother's angry eyes.

,,Uh...just going to Nancy's." you lied, trying to look as persuasively as possible. But even the blind would say your mom didn't believe your story. Well, you were a bad liar.

,,Don't lie to me, (Y/N). I know very well where you are going and I forbid it!"

You bit your lower lip and clenched your fists.

,,No, mom! You are not forbidding me anything!"
you screamed. ,,I'm an adult! It's my life, not yours! Let me live at least once!"

And there was silence. Your mom was looking at you without words. Your dad ran down to see why's everyone screaming.

,,Don't you understand?" you asked with a soft whisper. Small tear ran down your cheek. ,,I'm just trying to find my sister. And that you have given up long ago is not my problem!"

,,You don't know what you're doing, (Y/N)," your mom said with a shaking voice when you sat to your car.

,,That's what you think, mom," you replied, starting the car. ,,you won't stop me."

In the rearview mirror you saw your mother's disappointed face and your father's angry expression. But you didn't care. You turned on the radio and spent the rest of the way humming the rhythm of your favorite songs.

-Time Skip-

As you expected, the way lasted almost three quarters of a day. It was already getting dark, what got you worried a little, but fortunately you have already arrived to the location of the studio.

You got out of your car and looked at the huge wooden complex called Joey Drew Studios. You let out a sigh and walked to the door. You squeezed the handle, but it didn't let go. Locked.

'Great,' you thought, and when you started thinking of a plan how to open the door, you saw that something moved behind the window. You jumped a little and walked uncertainly to the dusty piece of glass. You got rid of the dust and peered inside.

There was a wooden furniture everywhere that looked like anyone hasn't used it for a long time. 
You had that gut feeling that something was wrong with this place, you knew that for sure. You stepped away from the window and put your hand on the handle again. But this time the handle loosened and offered you a peer inside.

,,What the hell..who opened it?" you whispered as you stepped in uncertainly. You found yourself in a small, tight hall that led to a large room with an old projector. You took a few steps forward, but you almost froze when a smiling cutout emerged from the corner and disappeared immediately. Your eyes widened, your heart was pounding.

,,Allison..?" you called out into an empty workshop. But no answer. ,,Allison!" you shouted louder this time. And to your surprise, you heard a sound. The sound of cracking wood. Someone was definitely here.

,,Hello?" you exclaimed. ,,It's me, (Y/N)!"

You followed quickly the sound of footsteps. These sounds led you to a group of corridors that all seemed the same to you. The more you were looking and walking around, the more lost you seemed to be.

After a while of walking, your feet took you to a huge room with a sign Ink Machine.

,,Ink Machine.." you repeated in a whisper and walked to the old lever that was also covered with dust. But before you could investigate this whole device, you heard the steps coming from behind you. You turned around and came back to the hall.

But this time you heard another sound. Music. This raised your hopes, so you ran down the corridors and followed the sound until you came to the semi-open door. You were sure someone was there, light was coming out of there. You could've sworn you heard someone's breath.

You slowly opened the door and what you saw almost brought you a heart attack. On the chair sat a  man with athletic body and kaki overal. But that wasn't the reason for your frightened expression. The man had his entire body covered with ink, and his face had no..face.

He was holding a head of a cutout that had scared you earlier and he was carving it into the shape of his head.

Your fast breath was probably what revealed you, because man looked away from his work and turned to you. If he had a mouth, you felt he would be smirking.

,,Hello there, my little sleep," he said in a psycho voice, picking up an axe that was leaning against leg of his chair. ,,You came just in a right time."

Your heart began to pound even faster. Your interior was screaming at full lungs, but you didn't let out even a single noise. You slammed the door behind him and ran to the exit. You didn't even know where the exit was, so you were just running insignificantly throughout the old studio. Along the way, you were throwing all things around you on the ground to slow the man down. And, surpisingly, it was helping.

When you saw the exit, you sighed enthusiastically but continued to run for your dear life. Before you ran out into the fresh night air, you looked behind you. The man tripped on a chair you threw and the axe fell few meters from him.

With your shaky hands, you were trying to start your car, but in the stress you were in you just couldn't do it.

,,Come on.." you said under your shaky breath, turning the key again. Fortunately, the car listened this time and turned on the engine. You stomped hard on the pedal and drove away from that place as fast as you could. In the rearview mirror you saw him with an axe leaning against the door frame, looking at you. Chills went down your spine, so you just looked at the road and tried to calm down.

,,I'll come back for you, sissy. I promise.."

While you were driving as fast as you could, the man covered in ink was looking at your disappearing car.

,,See you soon, little sheep. Sooner than you think."

In the next chapter Sammy will appear again so stay tuned! Also hope you liked this one.

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang