Bond with the Devil

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The gentle singing that filled the room woke you up. You opened your eyes slowly and looked around with your blurry glance. You found yourself in a small part of the room, separated by wooden planks. You were lying on a bed, with bandages around your wounds and a wet towel on your forehead. You attempted to stand up, but the burning pain that passed through your body prevented you from doing so. You hissed from pain. The singing stopped and was followed by steps. You raised your head and met with the gaze of your savior, the woman who pulled you out of the ink river and saved your life.

The woman leaned on the wooden plank.

,,You shouldn't be moving now." she said. ,,You need to rest."

,,Who are you?" you questioned. The woman took a deep breath, but remained silent for a moment. She seemed surprised by your question.

,,I...I honestly don't know my name. So they call me Alice." she sighed. ,,But I'm no Angel."

Only now had you noticed the look fallen Angel and this woman had. Black hair, horns, figure, clothes...but this woman had an important thing Alice didn't have. She had... an uncorrupted face.

,,But enough talking about myself," she said. ,,Who are you? Why are you here?"

,,I'm (Y/N).." you whispered, unsure. After all the things you've been through... you weren't even sure anymore.

,,I came here to look for my sister. She is lost and... I was hoping I could find her here. She worked here, but the only one I found was an angel who wanted to pull the vocal cords out of my throat."

You clenched your fists.

,,She pretended to be her... claiming that I have finally found her. She lied to me all this time, filling me with false hope... and because I still haven't found Allison, it hurts even more."

The room suddenly entered the tall, inky wolf with overalls and mechanical hand. He walked over to Alice and looked at you. After a moment he looked away and indicated something something to her with his hands.

,,But don't be away for too long," Alice said worriedly. ,,And please... take care of yourself. If anything happens, you know what to do."

The wolf nodded and came out of the room.

,,That's Tom," she said when she saw your confused expression. ,,Unfortunately, he can't talk, so this is the only form of communication we can have. Trust me, you would learn it easily over the years we've been stuck here. But he..." she sighed. ,,I have no one besides him."

,,What about your family?"

,,I...I don't know if I have a family. I don't know if I have mother, father, siblings... since I've woken up in this hell, I don't remember anything. Only sometimes some little piece of memory from my past appears in my mind, and when that happens, I write it on the wall. It helps me staying away from going crazy, as some people in this studio have already gone."

Alice walked to the wall, picked up a brush and dipped it in a can of ink. Only now did you realize that you were already in this room once. When you had a fight with Bendy, and he left you by crossing this wall right in front of your eyes. Also you recognized Hissy Sissy, what was written on the wall.

,,Are you the one who writes on the walls?" you asked when Alice wrote in rough font 'Hope.'

,,Yes... Tom doesn't talk much, and it's hard to write with his mechanical hand... so that's what I do. It's the only chance for us to show that we're here. That we are heard."

,,Why do you call him Tom anyway? You said he doesn't talk."

,,He just seems to respond to it."

You stared at her for a moment, without a word.

,,Did you write Hissy Sissy?"

,,Yes..." she replied. ,,I don't know what it means, but I feel it's a sign. A sign that everything will be good once."

,,It was a nickname for me and my sister," you whispered. ,,Since childhood."

This time Alice was the one looking at you without a word. ,,I'm sorry about what happened to your sister," she said after a moment. ,,Take a rest. If you feel better, we'll go looking for her."

You looked at her in surprise. ,,Really?"

,,Yes. Now get some rest."

Time Skip

,,That was really s-stupid Tom." said the woman, fixing the wolf's mechanical hand. ,,Now that he's seen's only the matter of time until he finds us here."

Time Skip

,,We can't just leave her! Not with the ink demon right outside the door!"

Your eyes opened with shock. Alice's scream pulled you out from your sleep.

,,What's going on?" you asked with a frightened but still sleepy voice.

,,He's here..." Alice whispered with fear in her voice. She grabbed the planks and tried to break them.

,,Tom, come on! Help!"

,,Bendy?" you asked, your eyes filling with joy and hope. ,,Don't worry, he won't hurt us-"

,,How can you know!" Alice screamed, still trying to make a way for you to escape. You opened your mouth to say something, but the wolf cut you off. He extended his hand to Alice's shoulder and shook his head. Honestly... their bond reminded you of Allison and Tom.

'Wait...Tom..' flew through your head. You started to connect everything. Good Alice, not remembering her real name with a character reacting to name Tom... and Hissy Sissy as the first thought. Her behavior, care for others... But Alice's apologetic expression pulled you out from your thoughts.

,,I'm sorry.." she whispered, covering her mouth. She and Tom started running away through the door.

,,No, wait!" you screamed, getting up from the bed. You ignored the pain you felt. Maybe this was the person for whom you came here, for whom you risked everything, and for whom you have experienced the terror you have experienced. You couldn't just let her go.

,,Please come back!" you shouted, banging the planks and trying to break free. Tears began to flow down your face. You knew you couldn't catch them anymore, they were too far away, but you were still banging and kicking, getting closer and closer to breaking the planks. The last time you hit the planks, they finally dropped and fell to the ground. And you with them. Your body quickly hit the ground and caused you more pain. You wanted to stand up when an inky hand suddenly appeared in front of your face.

Your heart started pounding out of your chest. You raised your head and met the gaze of a demon who had hurt you so badly, but at the same time gave you a feeling of being loved and safe.

With Bendy.

'Need help, toots?' ink letters appeared behind him. Now tears of happiness started streamed down your cheeks.

,,Bendy!" you cried out. You forgot all the pain and hugged the ink devil as tight as possible. ,,God, I can't even say how much I've missed you." you cried into his shoulder. ,,I-I.."

But your words were cut off when Bendy gently grabbed your chin and lifted it so he could look deep into your eyes. He gently wiped the tears that rested on your cheeks. Your lips trembled, revealing your shaky breath. Bendy's other hand moved to your cheek and gently stroked it. Even inky devil himself couldn't describe the feeling he felt when he looked at you. You were a masterpiece... his masterpiece. His face slowly began to approach yours, giving you goosebumps all over your body. Your faces were nearly touching, when...


Your eyes widened in shock, but before you could say anything, he leaned closer, caressed your chin and connected his lips with yours.

Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃 Well, this chapter wasn't spooky or scary at all, but
(Y/N) has finally reunited with inky devil who has finally made his move, so I hope you liked it. Photo is from SFM from Plushak of the song Masterpiece.

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