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,,I have to stop him from-"
,,(Y/N) you don't know what's the thing-"
,,Where do you think you're going?"
,,I won't let you go."

Your thoughts were echoing in your head like a storm. You slowly opened your eyes. With your blurry vision, you tried to remember what happened. Henry, tape, Bendy...


You immediately stood up from the ground and looked around.

,,What the-" you whispered when you found yourself at the entrance of Joey Drew Studios. You were standing right in front of the door over which the 'exit' was written. You looked at it. It was...


The light of the outside world went into the animation studio, throwing golden rays at you. You felt... strange. You haven't seen the Sun for so long. You haven't felt normal air on your skin for so long. The last of your months have been just in the lights of gloomy lamps and the smell of ink.

You didn't even know how, your legs started to head straight to the exit. It was as if you couldn't control yourself, as if two sides started taking over you.

You only returned to your senses when you looked at your hand, which was placed on the handle. But then you felt a feeling of guilt.

'No...I can't do this to him.' rushed through your head. Your hand went off the handle. You turned and walked into the projector room. You tried to get to where Bendy took you, but you couldn't find a way there. Still, you've never been to this part of the workshop.

,,Bendy?" you called out. ,,Are you in here? Can you hear me?"

But, nothing again. It reminded you of how you used to scream your sister's name like this, and how you almost never got an answer. You got it once ended up with painful scars that were covering your whole body.

And that was when you finally understood your strange feeling. You felt...normal. Or better said, you didn't feel anything. Your head wasn't aching, no scar marks were burning, you could stand without pain... For you it was weird feeling normal after what Alice did to you and after all the things that happened to you down there.

You quickly looked at your hands, and what you saw shocked you. You didn't see anything. No marks were there, not even signs of them. The same thing happened with your legs and other parts of your body. You didn't understand it, just, how? How is it possible?

'And I was thinking nothing will surprise me anymore.' you thought as you continued to walk.

But, you got to the room that still remained stuck in your mind. The room with the Ink Machine. The room where the Ink Demon and your lover attacked you and almost killed you. You sighed, but you still hoped that you could easily find him and be able to live with him again, without any problems and harm. You were hoping to find him sooner than someone else finds you.

You walked through the hall with some doors on its sides. Music was coming out of one of them. Light was peeking from it, too. You cocked your eyebrows and squeezed the handle.

In the room was an inky man with a mask and with half body in ink portal.

,,Sammy?" you questioned. He looked at you. Even though you didn't see him through the mask, you felt a smirk on his lips.

,,Looks like I got a new sheep for my lord.." he said in a husky voice and stepped out of the portal, now fully facing you.

,,You know where he is?" you asked with hope in your voice.

,,Of course I know," he replied. ,,I always know where my lord is. And my lord needs sacrifice... will you be his sacrifice?"

'The hell are you talking about?' you asked yourself. Sammy has always been like this, but after your talk with him in the music department you thought he changed. In addition, he also played the piano for you.

,,Uhm...yes?" you said, still unsure with what was going on.

,,Then let's not waste any time," he smirked, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him into the portal.

You appeared in the room where you woke up once when you were tied up to a wooden column and when Sammy summoned Bendy. But this time you weren't tied up, you were calmly standing and watching how was Sammy drawing a pentagram around your feet.

,,There we go," he sighed as he rose from the ground.
,,I am so happy you want to please our lord. You're such a good little lamb."

With these words he went into the room and closed the door behind him. Through the microphones you could hear his words in the form of a poem again and then his scream again. You remembered what happened the last time, so you weren't so scared, but you still didn't feel good. You had a bad feeling in your stomach.

When the black liquid spilled from behind the door, you took a breath and this time took the courage to look inside. But it didn't work, because the door was locked.

'Really?' you sighed and continued straight down the corridor. To break the planks you took an axe that was leaning against a nearby column. When you came almost to the end of the corridor, you wanted to turn right, but the path was all crossed by planks and your axe was broken, lying on the ground. So, you went straight to the room what was fully flooded with ink.

As soon as your feet touched the black liquid, a wave of very strange feeling passed through your body. You definitely didn't like it.

You headed straight, with each step you got more and more empowered to feel that something was watching you and that something bad was going to happen.

Your intuition was correct.

Suddenly, the ink in front of you sprinkled heavily, and your demonic devil darling emerged.

,,Bendy!" you screamed from happiness and ran to him. But the demon just smirked at you and with one movement of his hand he threw you down on the ground hard.

,,Bendy what are you-" you said, but your words were cut off when you noticed that ink puddles were encircled around your hands and feet, which after a while took the shape of hands that held you firmly in place. With frightened eyes you looked at Bendy, who was standing over you, smirking with his eternal smile.

Your eyes widened as he took a step towards you and looked straight into your eyes.

,,Now." he said in a low voice, moving his wrist down. You didn't even have time to scream. In a second, ink hands pulled you into the depths of the ink pool, without the possibility of protesting or escaping.

Oh well-
new chapter is here and I really hope you liked it! I know, I know, you didn't get much of Bendy here, but don't worry, I promise the next chapter will be mostly about him. uwu

AND, if you remember, in previous chapter I gave you a question - what is my favourite BATIM song?
Well, *drums a festive melody*, it's 'Face Reality' by Victor McKnight :).
I want to say thank you to everyone who guessed and to people who got the answer right Boris will hand the can of bacon soup (our little wolfie will appear soon...very soon).

And now, if you want, is your turn! Comment your favourite BATIM song/s, I'm really looking forward seeing what other people like!^^

Photo from XboxGamerK 'The devil within.'

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