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,,I...I need you."

Bendy rose his head and looked into your eyes, in which were forming salty tears. He squeezed your hand and when he stood up, he walked to the wall. You knew exactly what he wanted to do. You felt it.

Before he could create an ink portal and pass through it, you ran to him and squeezed his hand. You gave your tears a free passage.

,,Please..." you whispered, crying. You were hoping that all this was just a bad dream and that you would wake up in the morning and that Bendy would welcome you with a warm hug. But you didn't know this was hurting Bendy more than it was hurting you. He didn't want to leave you, he really didn't... but he knew he had to.

He squeezed your hands and leaned close to your face and left a gentle and tender kiss on your cheek, but also a kiss full of sadness and despair. And then he took his hands out of yours and opened the ink portal, through which he passed. You screamed, unaware of what you were doing, you jumped into the portal behind him, and you ended up somewhere in a completely unknown part of the workshop. But you couldn't stop him. Before you could stand up and run to the next wall, he teleported through the portal away. Tears now flowed down your face like waterfalls, the vocal cords were strained by your screaming. You ran to the wall through which Bendy went, you were beating it, kicking it...until you slowly slumped on the floor and buried your head in your knees. Instead of banging the wall and crying loudly, the room was now filled with silent sobs.

You were able to stop your crying only after a few long minutes. You stood up slowly, your head aching from crying.

With your swollen eyes, you looked around. You were in a room that looked more like a haven. There was a table with a few things on it, a few cans of bacon soup, a bed over which was stuck an Alice Angel poster, a cutlery, even an aquarium with fish... but you were most interested in the wall in front of you.... on it there were paintings and words written with ink. There was a farm with a windmill drawn, there were written levels of the studio, message 'Wash the Dishes', 'Choose to be happy'... but your heart jumped when you saw the little written...

Hissy Sissy.

You found it strange that you reacted like this, because you already found your sister, you found Alice few days ago. But sometimes it felt like... it wasn't even her.

You reached out your hand and touched the writing. The ink was still fresh written.

'Alice was probably here,' you thought. 'But what the hell was she doing down here anyways?'

You would explore the wall and the whole room for longer if you wouldn't realize that you absolutely had no idea how to get back to the upper levels. A single door led out of the room, but it was metal and locked. So you started to look around, but you've never seen a way... until you looked up. There was a small trapdoor at the edge of the ceiling. You somehow managed to put the different kinds of things that helped you to get up on the table until your hand finally touched the wooden stick that pulled down opening of the trapdoor. A ladder fell out of it, which led you to the shaft. It wasn't comfortable for you at all, it was cramped and sometimes rat ran around you.

You crawled through the shaft for quite a long time until you reached the 14th floor and finally entered the lift. You were all dirty from the ink and the shaft dust.

,,Never again." you whispered as you stepped out of the lift on the 9th floor and headed to Alice's lair. But when you got there, your sister, surprisingly, wasn't there.

'Strange...' ran through your head. 'She never leaves this room.'

You didn't know where she was, but you decided to wait for her. You sat down at the table and stared at the wall for a moment, thinking about everything that had happened. Only then you noticed the book Alice was angry on when she was reading it the last time you came to her den. You reached out to the book and opened it, flipping through. You stopped on the random page and started reading.

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now