Chapter 14: Cathy meet the two cousins ​​again

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Another three years went smoothly for us at Thrushcross. Because Cathy's birthday is also the anniversary of her mother's death, on that day, no fun takes place, and Mr. Linton is always alone in his office all day. On her sixteenth birthday, one beautiful spring day, Cathy suggested that I take a walk in the wilderness. Her father allowed her to take a short walk to find the bird's nest in the wilderness. At first I enjoyed the walk. The birds sang and the sunlight was warm. cathy was fluttering all over, her blonde hair was flying, her cheeks were flushed like roses and her eyes were radiant with joy.

- Now, where are those birds, Miss Cathý - After a while I asked. - They've gone quite a long way. They should have been here.

- Just a little more, Ellen - She cried - A little more.

But we had to climb over so many mounds and banks, and I was getting tired. I called to Cathy that she and I could not go any further. she did not hear or pretend she did not hear, kept running and I was forced to follow in the end, when I saw her again, I came to a place closer to Howling Hill than our house. The two men stood beside her and I knew for sure that one was Mr. Heathcliff. OMG, the bird nests are in his territory! I rushed there.

- But I didn't steal anything! Cathy said, in response to their accusation that she stole eggs from a bird's nest. - I didn't intend to get eggs. My father told me there are many bird nests up there and I want to see them.

Heathcliff glanced at me, smirking, showing that he knew who Cathy was and also expressed his malice towards her.

- Who's the three? - he asked

- Mr. Linton is from Thrushcross. - She replied - I think he does not know me otherwise he would not have told me that.

- So you think everyone should respect your father? - he asked, sarcastic voice.

- So, who are you? Cathy asked, eyeing the person who said that curiously. she pointed to Hareton:

- This person I met before. Is he your son?

- Miss Cathy, - I interrupt - we must go home. We've been hanging out for a long time.

"No, this is not my son," Heathcliff said, setting me aside. "But I have a son and you've met him before." I think you should come inside and think for a moment. She will be very welcoming.

- Ms. Cathy - I whispered quickly - she was not accepted. You can't go to his house.

- Why not? Cathy asked loudly. "I'm so tired." Come on, let's go, Miss Ellen. I want to see his son. Of course he was mistaken when I said I had met him before. I think his house is the house I visited a few years ago, when I came back from the Penistone Rock Range.

- That's right - Heathcliff said - come on, Ellen, shut up. Hareton, go ahead with the cottage. You'll come with me, Ellen.

- No, she won't go there. - I cried, struggling to remove the hand grasped by Heathcliff. Cathy kept running in the front, and she was close to Howling Hill before I could untie my hand.

- Mr. Heathcliff, you are wrong. - I object.

- I want her to meet Linton - he said - These days it looks better. Cha sometimes it's healthy, easy to see. We will quickly convince Cathy to keep the visit a secret, so what harm is there?

- The harm is that her father would hate me, if he thought I had allowed her to enter your home. - I replied - Besides, I'm sure he has a dark plan to persuade her to do so.

- My plan is very honest. - he said - Let me explain to you. I want these two cousins ​​to fall in love and be married. Here, I am very generous with her boss, because his daughter cannot inherit Thrushcross, my only relative is my son, Cathy as his wife, then he will be able to share. fortune with it.

Wuthering Heights✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora