Chapter 9: Heathcliff visited Catherine

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For three days, I kept that letter in my pocket, waiting to give it to Catherine, and I decided not to give it when Mr. Edgar was present, because I had no idea how it would affect her. I know Heathcliff day and night, hiding for hours in the garden of the hamlet. During that time, I never left the house, because I didn't want to be intimidated by him.By Sunday, everyone was away because they were still attending church, but I stayed to look after Catherinem. A male servant was left to help me, but I sent him out, pretending to be Miss Linton. want to eat oranges and he has to go to Gimmerton to buy oranges.

catherine, dressed in a loose long coat, shoulders wrapped in a light shawl, sat by the open window. Her face looked pale, her eyes were no longer shining, but filled with sadness and apathy. The eyes don't seem to look at the surroundings, but look far and far, as if heading towards something beyond the realm of this world. Edgar left a book in front of her, but she didn't touch it.

- I have a letter, Miss Linton. I said, thrusting the envelope into the hand she was resting on her knee. - Can I take the letter for you?

- Yes. Catherine replied, never looking at the envelope. I put the letter in her hand, but she dropped her hand down.

- Let me read it to you, dear Mr. Heathcliff's letter.

Hearing that Catherine was startled. She lifted the letter, seemingly reading a few lines, but did not understand it. She pointed to his name on the paper and looked at me impatiently, anxiously.

- He wants to meet - I said when I see you need someone to explain you to understand. As soon as I said that, there was footsteps resounding in the corridor. At that moment Catherine sat up straight and turned back, eager to stare toward the open door. heathcliff strode in, hugging Catherine within his arms

In about five minutes, he neither spoke nor relaxed. During that time, he kissed probably more than the rest of his life, I'm sure. I could see that it was heartbreaking for him to look her in the face because the moment he saw her, he realized that she could never recover.

- Oh! Catherine! Oh, his life probably! How can you stand this? - He uttered the first sentence in a voice that did not hide despair. He stared at her, his eyes burning with intense pain.

- What now? Catherine said, leaning back, her eyes responding to Heathcliff's. - You and Edgar broke my heart, Heathcliff, and both of you came to me as if you were pitiful victims. I will not pity you. I killed you, but why are you so healthy! How many more years do you intend to live after I am out

Heathcliff still knelt on one knee to hold him. He was about to stand up, but she grabbed his hair and pulled him down.

- I wish I could hold you until we both die. - She said bitterly. - I don't care what you have to suffer. Why don't you have to suffer? You are suffering here yourself! Will you forget me now? will you be happy when I'm in the ground? Twenty years from now, will you say, "This is Catherine Earnshaw's grave. A long time ago, I fell in love with her and was sad when she passed away. But all that was a thing of the past.Since then, I have loved many other people and now, my children are closer to me than before. When I died, I would not be glad to be with her. Instead, I am sorry to say goodbye to my children. "Is that what you would say, Heathcliff?

- Did you have a demon and told me that when I was dying? - He asked, his voice aggressive. - Do you know that those words will remain silent in my memory, deeply ingrained, deeply eaten after I leave you? I know I lied when I said you killed me, Catherine. You know that only when I forget my own existence can I forget you. I have not satisfied that while I was at rest, he would have to writhe in the agony of hell?

- I will never be able to rest. - Catherine groaned. her heart was pounding wildly in this agitation, and she had to wait a few minutes to continue talking.

"I don't want you to be more painful than me," Catherine groaned. - I just want us never to be dysentery If I ever cause more pain to you, then please forgive me. - She pleaded.

heathcliff hugged her again, then frantically exclaimed:

- Now I have taught you how cruel, how cruel and fake. Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, dear Catherin, I don't have a word to comfort you. You deserve this. I killed myself. Yes, I can kiss you and cry, receive you kisses and tears. They will torment me. I said I love you. Then what are your rights to abandon me? What right do you have to leave me to come to Edgar Linton? Answer me!

- Stop talking, stop talking! - Catherine sobbed. - If I made a mistake, I'm going to die for it. That's enough! I also abandoned you, but I will not mention that to you again. I forgive you. Please forgive me, too! - It's hard to forgive looking at these eyes, touching these thin hands. - Heathcliff replied. - Kiss me again, and don't let me see your eyes. I forgive what you have caused me. I love my killer! But how can you love the one who killed me? How can you be there?

At that time, they were silent, hiding their faces together, tears streaming down their cheeks. It seems that Heathcliff can still cry on an occasion like this.

I was restless because it was almost afternoon and I saw a group of people outside the church in Gimmerton.

- The ceremony has ended. - I report it. - My boss will be here in half an hour.

Heathcliff muttered a curse. Catherine did not move.

Before long, I saw the servants coming back. Mr. Linton walked behind the air. He opened the garden gate and slowly walked up the aisle leading to the house, enjoying the serene atmosphere of the beautiful afternoon, the calming air, like summer.

- He's back there. - I exclaimed. - God, you come downstairs! You will not meet anyone on the stairs. Hurry up and hide in the grove, wait until the master comes into the house!

- I have to go, Catherine! - Heathcliff said. - But I'll see you before you sleep. I'll stand less than five meters from your window.

- You must not go. - She replied, using all of her remaining strength to hold him back.

- I have to go, just an hour! - He pleaded so hard.

- No way, not even one minute. - She replied.

- I have to go, Linton will be here right now. - He said, his voice startled.

heathcliff tried to stand up, but she hastily clung to him, panting. Her face showed mad determination.

- Is not! - She screamed. - Don't, don't go! This is the last time! Edgar will not harm us. Heathcliff, I will die! I will die!

- Now he's here. heathcliff cried, slumping on his chair. - Shh, honey! Shut up, Catherine! I will stay. Even if he shoots me, he will die with a blessing on his lips.

He stopped trying to stand up again. I could hear Mr. Linton's footsteps rising up the stairs. My forehead is sweating cold, I'm so scared. I cried out in horror, while Mr. Linton walked quickly toward the room. I noticed that Catherine's arms were limping and her head was down.

"She should have fainted or died already." - I think in their hearts.

Mr. Edgar Linton stood in the doorway, then he rushed to the uninvited guest, his face pale with wonder and anger. I knew what he was going to do, but Heathcliff was stopping all actions by that way, making Catherine's lifeless body into the master's arm.

- Save her first, - He said, - then talk to me later.

Saying that, he left the room.

Mr. Linton came to his wife. She gradually regained consciousness, sighing, moaning and noticing anyone. Because he was so worried about her, Mr. Edgar forgot to stir up his obnoxious friend. Seizing the earliest opportunity, I came to beg him to leave. I announced that Catherine had gotten much better and the next morning would let him know what her health condition was.

- I will not refuse to leave the door of this house. - He replied. - But I will stay in the garden. and Ellen, remember to keep it in the morning. I'll wait under the grove of deciduous pine trees. If you don't come out to see me, I'll visit again, no matter if anyone is in there or not.

With that threat, he got out of the house, and started a white night waiting in the garden.

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