Chapter 12: Cathy discovered Howling Hill

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The next twelve years were the happiest years of my life, the only worries I encountered were the times when Cathy was sick. She grew up fast and very strong, she was like a sun shining on this sad house. her father was completely fascinated by her mind, and she, for her part, loved the girl too. beauty and blonde hair of the Linton family. Emotionally, she loved her a little bit too much and at this point, she looked like her mother. But unlike her mother, her love was never so intense, and she had a soft and gentle voice. gentle face. Of course, she also has her own shortcomings, mainly the habit of everything that insists on doing as she pleases.

Up until the age of thirteen, she had never been past Thrushcross hamlet's estate without anyone, and she knew nothing about Howling Hill, nor about Heathcliff.

- Ellen, how long will it take for me to climb to the top of those hills? - Sometimes she asks.

- What is that across the hill? Sea?

- No - I tell her - it's still the same hills as these hills.

In the distance is a steep gray rock, called the Peniston Rock Range. When the wasteland was sunk in darkness, the sun still shined with golden light on the highest peaks of the rocky mountains.

- Why are they so bright for so long while it's already late afternoon? - Cathy asked.

- Because it's higher than weights - I said - You can't climb up those bare rocks, are tall and steep. Icy winters always covered the place, and she had seen snow still lingering in the black valley on the northeastern ridge in the summer.

- Oh, so you've been there, Miss Ellen! - She excitedly cried. - Then you can come there when you grow up.

She asked her father about the mountains, and he promised her that she could ride there when she got older. Now, she counts each week and asks every few months:

- Are you old enough to go to the Penistone Rock Range?

Mr. Edgar, knowing that the road to Penistone ran through Howling Hill, answered every time:

- Not yet, dear, not yet.

Maybe little Cathy was content with this, but then one day Mr. Linton had to be away from home. Isabella's younger sister, writing to the newspaper that she was dying, petitioned Edgar to visit her and assume the responsibility of raising Linton, her son Edgar left Cathy with me to take care of her, ordering her to never I can go outside the compound, even if I'm escorted. I was pleased to see that Cathy seemed satisfied with being able to ride around the grounds and gardens around Ap. It was a beautiful summer day, and she used to be outside to hang out from breakfast to tea. When she returned, she told me about her fictional adventures

One day she came into my room early in the morning:

- Ellen, today I am an Arab merchant, and I am about to join the camel caravan across the desert. Please give me plenty of food, enough for me, my horse and my three camels.

Those three camels are her three pet dogs. I packed up a lot of food and put it on the side of the saddle. cathy jumped on her horse, radiant like a fairy, and galloped away, happily laughing.

- Remember, Miss Cathy! - I shouted - Don't exaggerate and remember to come back soon.

When I arrived at the tea time and I still did not find a toothpick, I sent the servants to look for her, but she was not in the area around the hamlet. I went out to search, and met a mechanic repairing a fence.

- Have you seen Miss Cathy? - I ask.

- I saw her bright - He answered - She talked to me, and then let the horse jump over the fence over there, that low place. She exaggeratedly disappeared.

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