Epilogue - Guilds: Part 2

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I close out my status and decide to stop going over things. This is mainly due to my head beginning to spin. I also decide to voice my displeasure at my level of intoxication.

"I am so fucking drunk." I let my head rest on my folded arms.

"Me..." Brick is cut off by a disgusting belch. "...too. Here, take this."

I feel him place something before me. When I look, I notice a little pink pill. "I am too drunk for drugs." I let out a small burp of my own.

"It's a special pill I got from the bazaar. It will reduce the negative side effects of alcohol." I watch him take an identical pill.

The pill would either do as Brick said or we would both get high together. Shrugging, I choose to trust. The pill goes down smoothly. In less than fifteen minutes, my head clears, and feel much better.

"Wow. What is this stuff?" I ask, stretching.

"I....uh...Don't remember. Those were my last two." Brick said sheepishly. A small blush forms in his cheeks.

"That's cool man," I said with a chuckle. "Just means we can drink some more."

"Before we do that." Brick stands. His voice takes on a very serious tone. He kneels before me and bows his head as if in prayer. As he continues to speak, pressure builds around the two of us. No one else seems to notice.

"At first, I thought Tella was crazy for swearing fealty to anyone. Words seem to have power here.

When we first met, you didn't seem like a Party Leader. You did seem like a cool dude, but that was it. As I watched you in battle and saw how you think, I saw what Tella must have for just a second.

Then, when you killed Gunther, I became a believer." He meets my gaze for the last bit. He has a determined look on his face so I don't interrupt.

"I, Brick Almight, swear fealty to you, Leader Jut Kylos Zoak, from now until my final death. I swear upon the Seven that I will serve you to the best of my abilities. I will lend you my shield in times of need and support you in times of strife. Spend my life how you so desire, my Lord Zoak."

A small window appears in front of both of us. The one in front of me reads:

Brick, another Player, wishes to pledge his loyalty to you. This act will bind him to you for as long as you consider him your Vassal.

Vassals will always follow their liege Lord's commands and protect them until their final deaths.

Do you accept Brick's pledge to become your Vassal?

Yes or No?

Unlike what happened with Tella, I change up how I do things. I click yes as I say "I, Jut Kylos Zoak, hereby accept your pledge. I, in turn, pledge to honor your loyalty and shall assist you in any way I can. We shall scale this Tower together."

When I finished, the same blue-white light flashes from around us. Another window explodes in my view. It reads:


You have acquired another vassal. Having 2 vassals grants you the title Leader. As such, if you are considered the Party Leader, you and your party members gain plus 2.5% stamina regeneration when within 50 yards of both of your Vassals. Acquire more Vassals to increase your aura of effect range, gain new effects, and grow in prestige.

I help him up. "Rise, you tough as steel son of a bitch." I finish with a chuckle and he returns it with a grin.

"Let's drink some more." He cheers as he throws both hands into the air.

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