Chapter 6 - Ground Work: Part 2

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A quest window pops open in my view. Bingo baby, this is where I needed to be.

Clayton, the 3rd Captain of the Southern Ascension's Guard has tasked you with a mission. You are unable to refuse this quest.

Quest: Reallocating the Guard.

Quest Objective: Convince the Governor of the Southern Ascension to open the Tower and reduce the allocation of troops assigned there.

Quest Reward: +500 Personal EXP and Access To The Heavenly Tower

I, then, lead Tella to the Southern Comfort. It's still pretty early. Checking my Ace shows 7:30. I need to discuss Tella with Brick. If he's unwilling to accept Tella as a member, would he dissolve our party? There's only one way to find out and I'll go at it head-on. Worst case scenario, I can actually play the role forced on me.

When Tella and I pass the room she was laid out the night before, I ask her if she has the room key.

She shakes her head. "Moss has it. She might still be sleeping." As I had only given Brick one of the two keys to that room, I pull out the other and pass it to Tella.

"That's your room too. You're welcome to crash there as long as we're renting it. I'm checking on Brick." I inform her.

"Yes, my Lord." She nods and continues to follow me.

I stop and turn to her. "You are not required to call me lord or sire or anything of the sort."

She nods. "Yes, I know my Lord." The look on her face throws me. She's sporting a devilish grin. She raises her hands placatingly at my scowl. "Oh geez, lighten up. It's part of the game, right? I'm just going with it. Besides, you're classified as my Liege Lord on my information page anyway." She shrugs. "We're technically in public and appearances may matter."

"Alright. Alright. But I'm not that kind of dude." I turn and continue. "I just took your pledge in case those three assholes try something." It takes her a minute to catch up and when I look back for her, I could swear she's replacing a goofy grin with a stoic expression. Maybe I'm just seeing what my lonely heart wants to see. Best to think about it later.

I open the door to find Brick sitting on my bed, his hands propping him up, talking to Moss. Moss is laughing from the other bed. Her laugh is a wind chime tinkle. Brick's telling a story. As he continues, he leans forward and uses his hands animatedly.

"Then those little monsters disarmed me. A couple are holding my arms out while the third gobby was gonna skewer me good." Both of Brick's arms are straight out as if reliving the experience.

Moss reaches over and places her hand on Brick's arm and swoons "oh no, how'd you get away?" If her concern wasn't real, I would have never known except she looks up at us and winks.

"Oh, hey Jut, I'm just telling Moss about our first quest." Brick turns so he's including everyone in his tale.

I interrupt his attempt. "Could you pass me lead? I got a new quest. Tell your story while I share it. "

He just picks right up where he left off as he nods. "Then Jut grabs the one who was about to run me through and cuts his throat. Saving me. He..."

I let Brick's voice tune out as a prompt fills my vision.

Brick Almight has passed party leadership to you.

I lean against the wall and share the quest. Bricks tale winds down in less time than I expect.

Path To Radiance; First AscentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ