Chapter 13 - Greed: Part 1

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Rough is an understatement. It is, by far, the hardest fight we've encountered so far.

Brick charges in screaming like a banshee. He isn't stupid enough to try and block the thirteen-foot-long, four-foot-wide club with his shield. Instead, he jumps to the side just barely dodging the weapon, and strikes at Gunther's legs. As staying still would have been a death sentence, Brick keeps skirting the giant Cyclopean Ogre. He'd land another sideways jump then hack at Gunther's legs again until the creature turns towards him to try and club him again, effectively turning the boss around.

When Gunther's back is to us, Tella and I try and attack his upper legs and back. We have to retreat and charge in again once the Ogre quits moving.

Rina and Tamos are standing back, using their range to their advantage. Rina dances and throws her chakram while Tamos casts his Magical Bolt then would fire his regular blasts until the cool down elapsed.

The problem is the Ogre's skin is thick and resists our blades and magic. It didn't blacken or burn and my sword's bleed technique would only last for two seconds tops. Gunther must have an ability or skill that removes negative effects because we have no way to do any lasting damage.

The party keeps turning the monster in circles, dodging his club and kicks. Gunther's health is falling, but very slowly. As time passes, we still haven't made a significant dent in the monster's HP, our dodges are becoming sloppier and our attacks less potent. This continues for at least twenty minutes.

Once Gunther's HP bar finally hits seventy-five percent, he bellows in rage, throwing his hands wide. A shock wave of energy erupts from the giant, knocking us all five feet away from him. He then slams the head of his club to the ground with both hands and swings it in a circle around him. He hits Brick first who has his shield up. He avoids massive damage, but I hear a loud crack that didn't come from the club. He's also flung backward about ten more feet and lands on his back, sliding further away.

The club didn't stop at Brick. It keeps going and gets me and Tella in one blow. I was hit first. The blow knocking me into Tella who then also got hit by the club too. She takes less damage, but only because I absorbed some of the force. We are both sent sprawling and land in a tangle of legs and arms.

"Ouch," is all I can grunt as we pull ourselves apart. We each lost at least fifty percent of our HP.

"How do we do this? The Boss has increased in speed. We're never going to get past that club now." Tella asks looking at Gunther. I look up at the fight too.

Brick is slowing down even more now. The damage he sustained is taking its toll. He gets up and approaches the giant again. His shield arm hanging limply at his side and his sword thrusts are way less accurate. When Rina starts casting a healing spell, Gunther looks at her and raises his club. Brick tries to pull the creature's attention back to him by shouting and attacking but Rina's spell must have generated too much threat or "aggro". Rina dodges the blow but it disrupts her spell work. That's when Brick finally gets Gunther's attention again. His ability to hold aggro, threat, or enmity, all three could be used interchangeably, has severely dropped.

Tamos is on one knee, panting. The bar in my HUD representing his MP is empty. He aims his wand and swishes it. A small bolt of black energy erupts from the small object and strikes Gunther's side, but the creature doesn't even take a full percent of damage.

"I do have an idea but I don't think you're going to like it." I lean in and whisper my plan into one of her kitty ears. This feat is strange because her ears are on top of her head. They quiver more and more with each word. She immediately steps back and looks at me with a concerned and angry gaze.

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