Chapter 1 - Real Life: Part 3

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Forty-five minutes later, an Uber is taking me and Andi back to the bar. Before we walk inside, I grab Andi from behind and gave her an awkward hug.

"Thank you again. I wish I would have listened to you the first time." She raises her hand to my arm returning my hug. "I bet Michelle will take me back for sure." If I didn't know any better, I'd say I feel Andi stiffen at my words. I step back, releasing her.

"I am just glad we were able to get your art out to the public. It belongs out there." Andi doesn't even turn to look at me as she responds. She just quickly enters the bar, walking stiffly.

I take my seat at our booth. I make sure to sit across from her as she had mentioned trying to flirt with the bartender before. I rarely see Andi take interest in someone, so her calling dibs on the blonde woman is well overdue.

"All your drinks on me. Just one small step in repaying you for all the work you did." I offer. I don't even consider this a spit in the bucket compared to what I owe her.

Andi waves down the server. She then looks at the table. I know her well enough to know she is thinking about something important. I could see right through her sob story impression earlier because she had threatened me with doing exactly what she did many times. She would always say "I'll just take matters into my own hands if you don't" while giving me the "look". This is different.

"What's up?" I try to catch her gaze with no success.

The server from earlier brings four shots of whiskey and sets them in front of us. "Back you two? Shall I open the tab again?" She asks very professionally.

"Yes, please. Two more each in about thirty, and two house domestics A.S.A.P." I order as jovially as possible and I hand her my bank card and ID.

While I am getting my ID back, Andi takes both shots back to back. Both of them. I manage to brush off my concern. I just got the break of a lifetime. If I had only paid a little closer attention to Andi earlier maybe I would have been more prepared for her response.

Andi looks me straight in the eyes. Her cheeks color deeply and she takes a deep breath. "I'm not Gay, Kyle." Her look turns fierce, ready for a battle of wills.

I feel my jaw drop. I am stunned and my brain freezes as I was expecting something different. She continues before I can connect a thought.

"I don't want you to go back to Michelle." She looks up for just a moment then forces herself to keep eye contact. Her body language tells me she is very nervous. It's very out of place. "Putting my personal and greedy reasons aside, you deserve something better." She leans forward and places her hands on both of mine which are both on the table. "You deserve support, encouragement, and acceptance. All of which you show everyone else in your life."

It's her earnestness that breaks my shock. I want to focus on a response that hits the core of her issue. "I won't discuss Michelle right now, but I hear you and will consider your advice, Andi." My tone gentle, I continue. "Let me show you some of those traits you favor. I know you're not gay, Andi. I've never assigned an orientation to you because you have never told me one. You're you. No title or label changes that. I've known both boyfriends and girlfriends you've had, remember?" I let a pause hang in the air to allow her to say something if she wants. She doesn't. "Have I made you feel judged or something?"

Andi shakes her head. It's my turn to look briefly at the table. I pull my hands back and Andi sticks hers in her lap as the server plunks two beers in front of us and takes the empty shot glasses away.

As soon as the server is out of earshot, Andi speaks first. "No. I know you don't judge anybody by that stuff. I just need you to know that. So..." She trails off. I look at her again and her entire face is red now. "You'll know I'm not off the table." She is looking at me like a deer in headlights.

I have to let her down gently, don't I? Andi has always been and always will be my best friend. I take just enough time to word my response well. Halfway through, my will to reject her outright fades.

"Oh. I never knew you felt something like that." I only pause an extra breath this time to add to the gravity of my words. "I'm not ready for anything now, though. Until I stop comparing every woman to Michelle, I can't give a new woman what she deserves." Her eyes are a bit moist now. "It's not fair to expect you to wait for me, nor should you. If I get to a place where I'm ready and you're still feeling this way..." I don't know if I can feel the same as I have never looked at Andi that way before. I never dismissed the thought either though.

Andi processes my generic words. She nods and moves closer to me, going as far as to move to my side of the table. Placing her head on my shoulder, she hugs me. "Let's just celebrate and talk about this later?" She asks meekly.

"Deal." I smile widely at her as we pull apart. She forces the same smile.


I stumble into my bed three hours later. I took Andi home first. Despite us putting our conversation on hold, the tension didn't dissipate. She decided to dance for most of that time only stopping to get shots and beer. Being a terrible dancer, I only joined her a few times.

Andi bought her parents' house a few years back. They had downgraded to a ranch style home as they were nearly seventy. I knew how to get her inside and laid her in her bed with her shoes off and garbage can nearby. It had been many years since the last time I had to get Andi home like that. Leaving her car in the driveway, I walked to my parents' house.

Before drifting off to sleep, I decide to check my Virtual Reality mail. I'm expecting a notice that my payment from the publishing company has been made. Everyone gets to choose what "checking their mail" is like for them. For me, I walk to the end of a driveway and a regular black, metal mailbox stands with the flag up. Great, mail's in. Some people choose weird mail services. Some pick pretty cool ones; like I saw a Harry Potter post by owl which was sweet. To me, this is the best.

I throw the junk mail into the trash can by the mailbox. Only two envelopes remain. I open the white envelope first. It is the notice I was looking for. I let out a whoop and do a happy dance.

The second letter is in a creamy envelope. It only has my name on it. My real name. Nothing else. Kyle Jackson is scrawled in archaic calligraphy. I am always really careful about not mentioning my real name online. No one has it except some employees from the store I work at, friends and family. It has to be friendly, right?

Lifting the top flap after breaking the rainbow wax seal, the letter folds open by thirds. It's empty. I check all of the flaps, the wax seal, and the front again. The whole letter is empty and blank. Even my name is gone.

When I flip the envelope over again, a golden light radiates from the center. I have to block my eyes it's so bright. When the light fades, the envelope has changed into a scroll that looks like glass. Brilliant golden text appears on its surface.

Welcome Player! The Path to Radiance awaits you!

Bright golden light shines on me, emanating from the glass. A sharp pain courses through my whole body and I fall to my virtual knees. That shouldn't be happening. I have never felt pain while diving that wasn't present beforehand.

The pain gradually increases and I can't move. My vision goes black. It isn't the usual Insta-darkness I'm used to, either. It isn't even the occasional fading into darkness some games use. My vision breaks apart into data code. It feels like my whole body is being ripped apart. This time, I'm not imagining it.

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