Chapter 7 - Sewer Excursion: Part 4

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I had just finished writing the final draft of my novels after a twelve-hour workday. I had been going at it for nearly an hour. The store had been busier than I had ever seen in my whole career. Customers had me running and diving, cleaning, and stocking. I was beaten even before spending that hour finishing up.

I'm sitting at my desk. The front door opens and closes quietly. Then a pair of soft arms wrap around my neck. Her scent filling my lungs. The smell of work, sweat, and her aroma energizes me. It makes the muscles in my back loosen and my whole body relaxes.

"What have you been doing? Filling out that application I brought home?" She reaches forward and examines the papers on my desk. "Oh my God!" Her explosion startles me and I jump in my seat. "What a waste of time! My father was right about you! You have no ambition and are worth nothing." She picks up my freshly printed draft and storms off. "You'll always be worth nothing." The next thing I hear is ripping paper.

She then slams around the apartment, packing a suitcase. She shoves clothes, a virtual dive set, and a few essentials in the case sloppily. I rise from my chair and beg her not to leave. Chasing her to the door, I'm in a panic. She opens the door and throws the suitcase outside.

"I'm not leaving. You are." Her dead serious look shatters my existence. I leave without another word.

The flashback is over faster than a single breath. A resolve I've never felt before rips through me. 'I will not be worthless!' I rise to my feet, scooping up my dagger in the process.

Tamos and Brick are the only two standing. They have their backs to each other. Tamos is waving his staff with both arms, smashing it into rats as they jump at him. Brick is using his sword to fend off more small rats and his shield to deflect the Mutated Rat's claws. Tella and Aeona are curled into balls around the boys' feet.

I'm the only one outside the circle of rats. I only have one move that makes sense to me. It is crazy and so many things could go wrong but I don't see any other way.

I throw my dagger again, hoping beyond hope that it will fly true. I swiftly follow my dagger in a dead-on run. I time it right, stepping on a larger pile of rats and launching myself at Brick.

I shout his name as I run. "Hey, Brick! I need a boost!" He turns to face me. He slightly levels out his shield like a stepping stone and I launch myself again. This time I aim to land on the Mutated Rat's shoulders to do some kind of cool takedown. I'm not so lucky. Bricks arm jolts when I kick off his shield and it causes me to tilt forward slightly. I'm only able to get my arms around the creature's neck. I hang on its back and apply as much pressure as I can.

The Mutated Rat chokes as it reaches for me, trying to skewer me with its claws. I just hold on tight, waiting for the rake of sharp nails. They never come. Instead, the rat topples forward onto its knees. Its leg tendons severed by Brick.

My dagger is sticking out of the Mutated Rat's chest. I reach around and rip it out after I gain purchase on solid ground. Afterward, I plunge it into the creature's back over and over again. Each strike making the health bar drop a fraction.

I'm forced to jump away as another blade tip shoots out of the rat's back, almost getting my hand. With that, the monster's health bar bottoms out. Brick rolls the dead boss creature over and yanks his sword out again. He immediately turns to find Tamos crisping the small rats. The girls have regained their feet. 

While Brick is watching the others, I retrieve my dagger and scan the room. Another minor flood of the smaller rats is charging at Brick.

"Brick! On your six!" I yell and charge that way. I don't know what kind of training Brick had, or what, but he listened as if on instinct. He turns while raising his shield arm. The flood of furry bodies bounces backward. The two of us make short work of the vermin.

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