Chapter 1: Mr. Lookwood met Heathcliff

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I just came home from a trip to visit Heathcliff, my landlord and only neighbor, and this will be a problem for me. Across the UK I could hardly find a secluded place more secluded than this. It suits me perfectly, because my only wish is to avoid meeting people.

.My first impression of Mr. Heathcliff is: this is indeed the ideal neighbor in isolation. he could not tell how glad I was when he saw his unfriendly attitude. When I pulled the horse close, he stared at me, his dark eyes hidden under his bushy browsmistrust:

- Is that Mr. Heathcliff? - I ask.

In response he just nodded.

- I'm Lockwood, your newcomer. - I continue to say - I give myself the honor of trying to visit him very soon after arrival. I hope that I live in Thrushcross hamlet will not cause you trouble.

- I will not allow anyone to trouble me - he interrupted - he came in.

His invitation hissed through clenched teeth as if to say: "Damn him!" I stabbed curiosity at someone who seemed to be less open than me, so I accepted.

My horse was thrusting its chest into the gate, and Mr. Heathcliff finally reached out and opened it. as he wandered down the road leading to the house in front of me, he called out to a servant:

- Joseph, take out the horse for Mr. Lockwood and bring up some wine from the basement!

joseph came out to lead the horse for me. It was an old man and it seemed that he was not happy to see me. "God help me," he muttered as he took my horse away.

Mr. Heathcliff's house is called Windy Howling. the name "Windy Peak" is a word given to anything by the locals exposed to the storms blowing through the Yorkshire wild fields like this house.

Near the house there are a few seedlings, the body leans against the strong wind. a thorny bush, how many branches are facing in one direction as if they were holding out to the sun to give some sunlight, fully embellishing this gloomy picture. The house was built very solidly, the corners were reinforced with large stones and the windows were built deep into the wall.

Before I entered the house, I stopped to examine a large carved stone slab above the door. On the stone plate are engraved with the date this house was built: "1500" and a name "Hareton Earnshaw". I wanted to find out more, but the host was impatiently waiting for me.

Inside the house, we went straight to the family living room. In this Yorkshire area they call the living room "hall". On the other side is the kitchen. At the end of the hall was a long shelf full of tin plates and silver pots. Above the fireplace were several antique guns and a pair of cavalry guns. Smooth white stone floor. High blue backrest chairs arranged in an arc around the fireplace. In the alcove beneath the shelves, a hound was lying with the group of pups, and there were many more in the remaining corners.

the room and furniture were no different from what one would normally see on a farm in Yorkshire. But Mr. Heathcliff did not look like a farm owner in York. He had the skin of a digan, but through his clothes and manners. seems to be from a kind family.

he walked over to the fireplace, I followed and sat down opposite to him to say nothing he said. Meanwhile, the hound left the pack, coming behind my feet, looking at me. Its edges curled up, showing both teeth. When I tried to stroke it, it responded with a long growl.

- You better leave the dog alone. - Heathcliff growled - It was raised not to be pet pampered, you do not petting him do anything.

he said, kicking the dog aside, then called out: "Joseph!". joseph answered from the cellar, but when he did not appear, the boss went down to him. I was left alone with the dogs. Two of the crowd came to watch me. Because I didn't want to try their sharp teeth, I sat still, just winking at them for fun. Suddenly one of the angry hordes leaned on my knee. I flung it back and hurriedly used the round table as a separator between me and the dogs. This agitated the dogs and immediately six of them rushed to attack my cloak and ankles.

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