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Amzie’s POV

 The familiar sound of my alarm rang out from the dark room. I knew that it was going to go off. I wasn’t sleeping. I was just lying there as usual. As I climbed out of bed I shut off my alarm and grabbed my cell phone. As I looked at the screen I scanned the messages and emails hoping that they would be from someone that I actually wanted to talk to. There was only one message that was truly important to me. It was from my cousin Carter.

  From: THE BEST COUSIN EVA!!!!!                                                                        

 Hey darling! I really miss you! We all do! How are you doing? When are you coming home? I know that this is hard for you but it’s hard for all of us. Please come home soon. And please answer me. It’s been months since I’ve seen you or talked to you and quite frankly you playing the silent type is not your style. Please talk to me and stop shutting everyone out. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING. Love you always XOXO Carter!

 As I looked at the phone I just closed out of my messages. That was just one of thousands of messages, emails, missed calls and voice mails that I had ignored over the last few weeks. What part of alone didn’t my family understand? I just wanted to be alone to distance myself from the world. That way I would never be hurt again.

 I needed to run. As I pulled some yoga pants on and a razor back tank top my phone rang again. Who the fuck is calling me now? I angrily looked at my phone. The name Geoff Payne flashed across my screen and my heart suddenly stopped as I screamed “hello” into the phone as I punched the answer button.

 “Good morning Ms. Bradford. I have some good news.” Geoff said “Very good news.”

 “Have you found them?” I blurted out before Geoff could say anything else.

 “No. I’m sorry to disappoint you but we have not been successful in finding your missing brothers. We have however been able to unscramble the video from the flight and we now know what the kidnappers measurements and features are and we are running them through every database that there is. We will find them Amzie I promise.” Geoff assured me in a calm voice.

 “Thank you Geoff. I knew you were the best detective that money could buy. I am very glad that I met you in that bar and that you took the case. You are probably one of the only people keeping me sane these days.” I said with a sigh.

 “You are welcome love. I’ll call you if anything more turns up.” He said as he hung up the phone.

 I stared at the phone and the pit in my stomach grew. I hoped that he could find them soon. They had been missing for five days and the probability of finding them decreased with every day. Geoff had to find them. I loved them more than anything and the thought of someone hurting them curdled my blood. If anyone hurt my brothers they would wish that they were dead and I would make sure of that.

 As I tied my sneakers I noticed that it was almost nine o’clock. If I went for a run now I would be late for my meeting. I contemplated the consequences for being late as I left the apartment and decided that it was worth it. I texted my assistant Lafayette and told him that I wouldn’t be coming to work today. I knew that Lafayette would be pissed that he had to reschedule the meeting again but I just wasn’t in the mood to talk to the board today. Besides, I thought, it’s not like I actually needed to go to that damn meeting. It was just another stupid meeting about another contract to expand the company. A company that I didn’t even want half of the time.

 When I stepped out onto the street I saw my familiar bodyguards, Ivan and Dimitri. To anyone who didn’t know better they would think that they were just normal people but I knew better. I had had bodyguards since I was sixteen.  I knew that they were sent by my mother to watch out for me. I also knew that they technically worked for the company called Cerberus.  The ironic thing is that I owned Cerberus so my mother hiring them was really a waist of time.

Love, Loss and Legacy [N.H.]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu