Episode Fifty-Seven: It's Flitz!

Start from the beginning

(Cut to ASH-LII and SARALYN's room at the inn the next morning. ASH-LII is coughing profusely.)

Saralyn-Ash-Lii, are you okay over there?

Ash-Lii-I think so. It's just a cold.

Saralyn-Oh, you poor thing.

(She walks over to ASH-LII and feels her forehead.)

Saralyn-It doesn't feel like you have a fever, so that's good.

Ash-Lii-How can you tell?

Saralyn-'Cause I'm a ther-MOM-eter.

(ASH-LII chuckles.)

Ash-Lii-It's alright. You don't need to baby me because I'm blind.

Saralyn-I'm not babying you! I'm your cool magical stepmom. It's my job to watch over all my children, biological or otherwise.


Saralyn-I gotta say, you're taking this like a real champ. Alex is always such a drama queen whenever he gets a cold. You ever heard of manflu?

(ALEX leans in the doorway.)

Alex-I am not a drama queen!

Saralyn-(sing-song) Drama queen! I guess this means we won't be able to leave the inn. I better tell Daph-Nii.

(Cut to the kitchen. Everyone else is sitting together with food in front of them.)

Daph-Nii-Alright, everyone! Time to chow down!

Trini-Tii-Wait! What about Ash-Lii and Saralyn?

Daph-Nii-I guess we should wait for them.

(SARALYN enters.)

Daph-Nii-Ah, you're here! We were just waiting for you so we can eat! You know when Ash-Lii's going to show up?

Saralyn-Yeah, about that. She contracted an illness.

Daph-Nii-What? An illness?

Saralyn-We're pretty sure it's just a cold, but I don't think she should be leaving her room.

Victor-Does that mean we can't leave the inn?

Daph-Nii-Of course it doesn't. It's just a cold. It's not like she has a fever of 103.

Victor-Daph-Nii, are you listening to yourself? Have you ever had a cold?

Daph-Nii-In case you don't remember, I had one while we were in Greenhorne, and I was just fine.

Saralyn-I still don't think Ash-Lii should have to exert herself when she's sick, though.

Daph-Nii-Alright, fine. She doesn't have to fight or eat with us, but she should still travel.

Saralyn-Okay. I'll go and tell her.

(Cut to the arcade. SARALYN is at the rock-paper-scissors booth.)

Saralyn-This is for the outfit for Daph-Nii. This is for the outfit for Daph-Nii. This is for the outfit for Daph-Nii.

(DAPH-NII enters.)

Daph-Nii-This isn't telling Ash-Lii the plan.

Saralyn-Oh. Sorry. Uh...I'm just rustling up some funds so you can buy that outfit you want.

(DAPH-NII sighs.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, alright.

Robot-Hey, you! You look like you're up for a rousing game of rock-paper-scissors. I've got 1500 gold for anyone who can beat me. So come on, kid. Give us your best shot! It'll only cost one game ticket.

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