Episode Fifty-Seven: It's Flitz!

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(Start in Lotus Lake. The gang is walking together. Pop star DAPH-NII, HIDEA-KII, TRINI-TII, and JUNKO lead.)

Daph-Nii-We have been traveling for three whole-ass days, and we still haven't found any remotely powerful monsters.

Ash-Lii-We found the water snurps.

Daph-Nii-Okay, we found the water snurps, but NOTHING ELSE! Jeed better not have sent us on this quest for nothing.

Trini-Tii-We didn't have to take it.

Junko-More importantly, you didn't have to take it.

Daph-Nii-Why are we pinning this all on me?

Hidea-Kii-'Cause you're the leader, and you've been picking all the quests for us.

Daph-Nii-Not all the quests. Just the one. If the final battle is all water snurps, I will lose my shit.

(They see a very rare snurp up ahead. DAPH-NII gasps.)

Daph-Nii-It's the gol--well, it's not the Golden Snurp. Rainbow snurp? Angry snurp.

(The very rare snurp is accompanied by six green snurp.)

Junko-Destroy the snurp of snurps!

Hidea-Kii-It's got six support snurps.

Trini-Tii-I like saying snurp.

(They draw their weapons. The very rare snurp attacks TRINI-TII, defeating her instantly.)

Trini-Tii-Though I don't like getting hit by snurps.

(DAPH-NII gasps.)

Daph-Nii-Oh no, you di-int!

(Opening theme. DAPH-NII attacks the very rare snurp. Then she gets the life sprinkles and dumps them on TRINI-TII.)

Trini-Tii-Whew, I'm back.

(She prepares to attack.)

Hidea-Kii-I'll help you!

(They both attack Green Snurp D, defeating it.)

Trini-Tii-Got eem.

(ANNALISE walks up to DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-Y'know what, while we're at it, let's get rid of the other support snurps.

(She mounts ANNALISE, who snorts on the enemies, defeating the rest of the green snurps.)


Junko-You did it, Daph-Nii!


(HIDEA-KII attacks the very rare snurp.)

Daph-Nii-Hold on. I almost forgot something.


(DAPH-NII readies the hyper sprinkles.)

Hidea-Kii-Aw yeah.

(DAPH-NII blows some on him.)

Hidea-Kii-AW YEAH!

(JUNKO attacks the very rare snurp. It curls up into a ball.)

Junko-What's this?

(The very rare snurp begins rolling around in the air.)

Junko-What's this?

(The very rare snurp vanishes.)

Junko-It disappeared?

Daph-Nii-What do you mean it disappeared?

Junko-Hey! Wh-what was that?

Daph-Nii-Well, guys, we finished Jeed's quest. We finished Jeed's dumb fucking quest. Let's go home.

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