Chapter 34: A Mums Concern / Target 4

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(The soon to be released 2020 Jaguar F-Type)

"You've gotta fucking kidding me" Luke said to himself

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"You've gotta fucking kidding me" Luke said to himself.

The Lucario grabbed his weapons and ran, another assassin had been hired to kill Qrow and he was not gonna let some other Pokémon take his kill.

Qrow opened a bottle of bourbon and poured a little into the glass before taking a sip. He stood up and looked out the window. He finished the bourbon in his cup and was about to take another sip when he realised he drank all that was in his cup. He reached for the bottle but then he saw it wasn't there. Then someone whistled, he looked up and saw a Flareon with emerald green eyes staring at him, holding the bottle, wearing a black cat suit, leaning against against the entrance to the door, she removed the cap and chugged the bourbon until it was all gone.

"H-How did you get in here?" Qrow stuttered.

"Mmm - That's some good bourbon, to bad you don't have whiskey" The Flareon said in an Irish accent.

"Get out" Qrow snarled.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" She replied.

Qrow took off his tie and tossed it on the bed, "I'm not gonna ask you again bitch, get out of my house"

"Do you know who your talking to?" The Flareon replied dropping the bottle on the floor, the sound of glass breaking alerting the guards nearby.

However, before most of them could get to Qrow's bedroom, Luke intercepted and killed them with his katana.

"Your talking to the Irish Death Angel" She said, with a smirk on her face, then she dropped her Glock on the floor and got into fighting stance, "My name is Mary O'Halleren and I believe it's time for me to put your arse six feet under"

"You can only try" Qrow snarled, then he charged at her, Mary moved her head and kicked Qrow in the stomach, she threw several blows at him and making him stumble around. Then she pulled a knife from the sheath on her waist. Qrow tried to reach for it but Mary knees him in the face.

"Welp you lived a good life" Mary said.

"W-Wait! I have kids! -" Qrow shouted.

Mary stopped, her face changed, she had a policy for herself, if it's a mother, father or child, she would not fulfill the contract, she lowered the knife, "Show me proof"

He turned on his phone, his lock screen displayed a picture of him in Paris with a Lopunny and two Buneary and Two Zorua. His wife was smiling and so was him and his kids. Qrow shuddered, "Please"

Mary lowered her weapon, "Sorry for the trouble"

Before Qrow could react Mary heard footsteps and saw Luke coming just in time to throw herself into Qrow, knocking the Zoroark behind the bed. Luke shot a shotgun round at the spot Qrow was kneeling.

She pulled out her Glock 22 and started shooting at Luke, the Lucario took cover behind the wall and reloaded the weapon, Mary shot the glass Infront of him and grabbed Qrow before jumping onto the jungle floor with him and pulling him by the paw to her car, Luke jumped out and ran after her. Before Qrow could get in the car. Luke jumped over a bush and aimed his AK-47. Mary lifted her MP7 at him, the gun had an Irish flag on it and a silencer with a rose on it. Luke was irritated, he wanted to shoot Mary but there was a possibility Qrow could flee the scene and contact the local police.

"Aren't you here to kill this motherfucker?" Luke said.

"I was... But I have morals. And if you did you'd figure out he's a father of four" Mary replied.

Qrow was standing by the passenger seat of the Jaguar watching the Lucario and Flareon have their stand off.

"Let him live" Mary said, ready to fire.

Luke scoffed, "He is one of Tristan Paine's brothers! And I swore to God I'd kill them all -"

"L-Look! I'm not associated with Tristan, I stopped supporting his cause two months ago" Qrow stuttered, "I swear, no lie man"

"I don't believe you -" Luke huffed.

"He has children! Let him go" Mary shouted.

Luke was silent, he flung his head back and lowered the weapon, he looked around and then lifted the gun and shot Qrow in the chest, Mary shouted and started firing at him, a bullet grazed his shoulder as he ran to the Volvo and drove off.

"No! Fucking hell!" Mary shouted, she opened the boot to her car and got a medical kit for the injured Qrow, the Zoroark started coughing blood.

"Look at me!" Mary said in panic.

Qrow put her paw on his face and started crying, "I can't"

"No! You can make it -"

"The bullet punctured my lungs Ms. O'Halleren, I know I'm dying.... But at least you had a heart" Qrow wheezed.

His pupils dilated and his body fell limp and he passed away in Mary's arms. The Flareon set him down and dropped a flower over his chest. She wiped her face and climbed in the Jaguar, driving away from the mansion just before the police arrived. While she was driving on the motorway she started squeezing the steering wheel, she wished she could have done more for Qrow, that she could have saved him, he was a father after all and she was a mother. Full of regret and anger Mary drove to the airport and flew back to London. Luke arrived in Manchester and when he arrived at the station, waiting there was Delevio arms crossed and not pleased. When he saw her his eyes went wide and he dropped bags on the platform.

"Oh no" Luke said.

"Oh yes. We need to talk about your recent activities" Delevio said.

Luke looks at the floor, "Fine"

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя