"W-W-W-What do you want?"I ask

He paws my hands off his head, pinning them to the floor past my head. He smiles at me. I realize what he may be looking for. I lift my head up the best I could, kissing him on the head. He looks at me in surprise, then smiles and gives me a look that tells me I am right. He nuzzles his head against mine. Then I feel him lick me again. I kiss him again to retaliate. I shut my eyes, focusing on freeing my hands. But I feel a change. I open my eyes and find Killer on me, but a skeleton again. I smile. This makes getting away from him easier. Or at least out from under him. He looks dazed. I grab him and shove him gently off me. I twist and turn until I am above him. Now he looks at me in surprise, his face reddening.

"N-Nightmare?!"He stutters

"Hey Killer.~"I say, winking

His face is now completely red.  His eye-lights appear again, forming red and white hearts. I rest my head against him. I can hear his soul pound quickly. I smile, feeling reassurance hearing this. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tightly. He keeps jolting at each move. I look at him, smiling. He freezes up. I lean in and kiss him. Then I get up and off him. He looks at me with a dazed smile. My head aches and I step back, sitting on the bed. He comes over and looks at me. I try to get up. My leg starts hurting and I sit back down.

"Are you okay?"He asks

"Ya...Just tired I guess."I lie, feeling my head

I know it's worse than that.

"Well okay, time to rest then."He says, picking me up

"K-Killer, what are you-?"I begin

He tosses me up in the air and when he catches me again, he holds me gently. He places me in bed and tucks me in. He fluffs a pillow and has me rest my head on it. He kneels down with a smile. He rests his head at the side of the bed on his hand with his elbow against the bed. He smiles at me.

He gazes at me in silence for a few moments.

"I.....I think you should rest."He says, getting up

I reach out, grabbing his hand before he could leave.

"No...Please. Stay?"I say

He looks at me. He comes over again and kisses my hand.

"Of course."He says

I smile. Then, I slowly shut my eyes and doze off.





It was no good dream either.

I wake up and find Killer nowhere in sight. I get up but my leg is hurting worse than before. I grab Dream's staff(the one that can turn to a bow) that he left in my room and use it to support myself. I look around and find that Killer is nowhere to be found. I also find Error panicking.

"What's wrong, Error?"I ask

"I cAN'T fInD KiLlEr oR InK aNyWhErE aNd TheY wOn'T anSwEr tHeIr pHoNeS!"He tells me

"Shoot....Do you think they were taken?"I ask

"Well, logically, they seem to be the easiest to get. Their souls are easy to manipulate. Nightmare, you've shown that with Killer in the past, fixing or changing its shape. And Ink is still adjusting to havng one or increasing his hp. SO they would be the weakest."Science says, coming over

"SHuT Up ScIeNcE! ThAt's mY lOvEr yOu aRe tAlKiNg aBoUT!"Error and I say accidentally at the same time

We look out each other. Error's face goes yellow and I could feel mine warm. Error chases Science away. When he comes back, Dream and Cross come over with him, already knowing the situation. I recall something from my dream. It was flashes, but still something.

ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesWhere stories live. Discover now