"It's so beautiful! It looks so much like my kingdom" she said before her eyes lost it's spark. I guess the memory of her beloved broken kingdom still haunted her.

I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. And to my surprise she glanced up with a look of relief and smiled.

I felt like Elsa needed a reminder that this world is not to much different from hers. We still do a lot of the same things. You just have to know where to look. And that's when I came up with a brilliant idea.

"Elsa there is somewhere I want to take you."

"Take me? Where?" She said curiously
I smiled at the brilliant genius that I am.

"To the famous world renowned orchestra of Rome of course."
I winked.


"How do I look?" Elsa asked ask she walked out of the dressing room

After I told her I wanted to take her to see the roman orchestra we grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed to a shopping mall to properly dress for the occasion. We picked out and payed for the items that we were going to wear and now I was just waiting on her to come out.

And When she walked out of that dressing room my heart stopped. She wore a dark red dress then went down to her feet but still showed off the marvelous pare of red high heels she wore. Then I noticed that her dress had a split in the side that went up to her mid thigh. I swallowed hard then quickly turned my head to her face.

She wore her hair in a beautiful braid that went all the way down to her back and she put a red flower hairclip In it to match. There were absolutely no words for how beautiful she looked.

"Jack I never imagined you the tuxedo type but you look rather dashing!" She exclaimed. "But wait... Why must you dress up if only I can see you."

"Because Elsa..." I shot her a trademark grin filled mischief. "You can see me."

Her cheeks flushed to a cute shade of bright red.

"What I meant to say is you look ok, but I have seen far better." she teased sarcastically.

"All jokes aside Elsa, You look ravishing!" Did I just say that out loud? Oops.

She smiled then turned to the mirror.

"I do don't I?" She said with mock arrogance.

We walked together, her hand in the crook of my elbow to the front door. We made our way inside the big roman auditorium and she bought bought a ticket. We made our way up to the private balcony viewing.

Elsa starred up at the beautifully painted ceiling with amazement. She took my breath away.

"It's so..."

"Beautiful" I said finishing her sentence for her. But I wasn't talking about the ceiling.

She turned her face and her eyes met mine. "Yes it is."

We both sat down just as the band started to play. The melody was just as equally beautiful as watching Elsa enjoying herself. Each song that passed the more she smiled and lightened up. The brokenness of her spirit seemed to heal in front of me.

"This Jack, this is perfect. As a child I used to go and watch the orchestras play all the time. Before my parents died. Of course none of them were this big or fancy and there was no where near as much seating, but sometimes people danced at the front, near the small stage.

"Oh really?" I asked with a intrigued smile.

"Oh yes. I always thought it was so romantic as a child" she said as she sighed at the Orchestra, she closed her eyes and listened to the melody.
I slowly got out of my chair and stood up. Then tapped her on the shoulder and she opened her eyes in surprise.

"May I have this dance milady?" I asked with my hand out for her to grab.

"Are you insane?" She asked

"Quite possibly" I answered.

She giggled then grabbed my hand and stood up. I pulled her close to me and placed one arm around her waist and held her hand with the other. She took her free arm and placed it on my shoulder and we began swaying to the music.

"You do realize, nobody else can see you. If anybody were to look up at us, they'd see just a crazy lady rocking herself."

"Oh Elsa, we both know you aren't bothered by what people think about you anymore."



It was as if time stood still as we starred into each other's eyes. Icy blue ones that seemed to mirror each other.
His eyes lit up in that cute and playful look he always gets when he thinks of something.

"What is it Mr frost?" I teased

"It's just that you are a lady who also happens to be wearing red and your dancing" he said as if it were the funniest thing.

"I am sorry Jack but I don't follow?" I said kinda annoyed with the fact that I had no idea what he was talking about. He found it so interesting so I wanted to be a part of it.

"Your going to make me aren't you?" He chucked in a small whisper.

"Make you do what?" I asked as I put my ear closer to his mouth so I could her what he was about to say.

"I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight," he started to sing.

"Jack what are you doing?" I asked in a small tone.. Was he really singing?

"Just bear with me Elsa" he laughed.

"I've never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing,
I've never seen so many people wanting to be there by your side,"

Oh my, that boy could sing.

"And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away"

He then twirled me around and pulled me close again.

"The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek.
There's nobody here, it's just you and me. It's where I want to be,"

He then pulled me away from him and then turned me around so my back was facing him. I don't know why but I leaned back into him and laid the back of my head onto his shoulder. he continued singing.

"I hardly know this beauty by my side,
But I'll never forget the way you look tonight. The lady in red"

Promised you a long chapter so there it is. I strongly recommend that if you have never heard the lady in red then go on youtube and check it out.
How do you guys feel about jack and Elsa? What do you think will happen when they get to the man in the moon?
- please vote and comment your thoughts as always. You guys are amazing!
Till next time (mariska98)

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