"Yah! Don't start again Manoban, I'll leave you here I swear." She threatened.

I know she's just joking but I don't want to further pissed this cutie kitten so I just kissed the tip of her nose.

"Aren't you hungry? Do you want to eat first?" I asks concerned. Its almost lunch time so much better if we'll eat first.

"You'll eat too?" She confirmed. I'm about to answer when she speak again. "Please?" She added cutely.

I chuckled.

"Okay, I'll eat too. What do you want?" I asks.

"Of course...you." This time she's the one who decided to messed with me.

I choked.

"Ruby Jane!"

"Just kidding baby, next time don't underestimate me, I can do the teasing as well." She boastfully claimed.

"I know that now and that's noted." I agreed and leaned to kissed her lips before standing up. "You want me to cook for us?" I added.

"No need baby, just call delivery, I know you're tired already." She answered.

"You're cute, you just want to cuddle while waiting." I joked.

"Partly right." She agreed and we laughed.

When our laugh subsided. I asked her again.

"The usual?"

"Yes please." She answered. Then I called for delivery. When I'm done I asked her to change to much comfortable clothes since she's still wearing her uniform.


Jennie's POV

Ding! Dong!

"I'll get it baby!" I shouted from the living room to informed Lisa. After I changed to Lisa's oversized shirt we decided to binge watch our favorite series while waiting for our food. Lisa just quickly went to comfort room to pee.

I didn't bother to check the peephole assuming that its the delivery guy. I gasped when I saw Mino, Lisa's colleague that tried to get me from Lisa the moment he learned that I'm with her.

I'm the first one to recovered.

"Oh hi Mino. Err-You need something?" I uncomfortably inquired because she's not looking at my face but my exposed thighs. Its too late to realized that I'm just wearing an oversized shirt.

I was startled when the door suddenly closed. Then my confusion answered when I saw a fuming Lisa.

"Go to our room." She coldly said. I rarely see this kind of Lisa but I'm all aware and convinced that if she's already like this I should 100% oblige without questions.

I didn't speak and went to her room and just waited her there. After more or less 10 minutes, I saw that she's already walking inside.

"The food arrived. Let's eat." She said not acknowledging what just happened.

I followed her to kitchen. Her back facing me because she's transferring our food from box to plates. Despite being nervous, I decided to back hugged her.

She stiffened for a good second then relaxes when she realized its me.

I kissed her shoulder before speaking.

"You mad baby?" I almost mumbled.

"I'm not." She simply answered. I made her turned around then I cupped her face.

"I know you are Lili, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was him." I explained. Her eyes are void of emotions, I can't really tell what she's currently feeling because all I see is coldness.

She sighed afterwards.

"I told you to always use the peephole Jennie Kim. What if I'm not here? You saw how he stared at you? That idiot!" Now all I see is anger. She even gritting her teeth.

I know its not good to feel giddy but this version of Lisa never failed to warms my heart. I really feel her love if she's like this, all protective and jealous.

I didn't noticed that I'm already smiling until she speak.

"What's funny? That's dangerous Jennie, please just please, not all the time I'm beside you. You don't know how mad I am the moment I saw how he stared at you, not only him. I want you to take care of yourself, whether a delivery guy or whoever knocked outside you should've changed or put PJ's. I'm the only one allowed to see you in that state." She claimed.

I smiled at her and buried my face on the crook of her neck.

"I'm sorry for making you worry baby, I'm just excited and forgot that I'm just wearing a shirt. I'll be more careful next time. I promise." I sincerely said the look up at her.

She sighed defeated.

"Yes baby, please do that." She answered and this time she hugged me back. A tight one.

"You're so hot when jealous though." I teased.

"I'm not jealous Ruby Jane, I'm protective of what's mine. You are mine."

She said the last sentence looking directly on my eyes.

I nodded.

"Just yours Love." I whispered then closed my eyes immediately the moment I saw she's leaning for a kiss.

We shared yet again a passionate kiss.

"Come on baby, let's eat already before I change my mind and just eat you instead." She said casually.


The End


Apologies for errors. 🤗

Yieee Rank 1 for Jennie 🙈 Thank you for continuously reading this one shot book, voting and commenting

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Yieee Rank 1 for Jennie 🙈 Thank you for continuously reading this one shot book, voting and commenting. I love you all!

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