9: Beyond All the Pain

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At the beach house
Steven has just returned home
And is none the happier since he kicked thottie to the curb

The teenage boy entered his room and checked his phone. His ex has left MANY messages, so many that counting would give him a headache. But that was before he blocked her. How Connie managed to do that was beyond him, but he really and truly didn't care. Now that she was -mostly- off his back, he was free to do whatever he wanted. Without her consent. And she couldn't do shit about it, could she? He decided to join Lapis's chat again, mostly because he bet Peridot and her were flirting like hell.

Well, let's just say he was right to a high level.

Bismuth: Admit it

Peri: Admit what

Steven : Come on, we can all see it lmao

Steven: You two are horny for each other😝

Lapis: WE ARE NOT 😐😅

Bismuth: Oh really??

Peri: Yes Bissy 😑

Steven: Now that is a DAMNABLE lie 😂

Lapis: It's the truth 😇😇😇😇😇

Peri: Mhm exactly

Steven: Yeah right

Steven: I've read the previous messages, ya'll were flirting hardcore

Bismuth: LAPIDOT 😆

Lapis: No..nonononononono....don't even play like that Bismuth 😐

Bismuth: Amirite Steven 😉

Steven: All day everyday, Lapidot 😎

Peri: Ok, since ya wanna play, then tell us how Connverse is goin'

Steven: ???

Lapis: I thought we agreed on Stevonnie? 😯

PEri: Connverse, Stevonnie, same difference

Bismuth: Yeah, still thinking about dumping Connie

Steven: Already did


Steven: Yep. Me and Spinel were laughing our asses off

Lapis: Spinel Stiles....? 😒

Bismuth: No offense but you were with her because-

Steven: She gave me the idea to do it on text 😈


Steven: I know. she deserved it though 😪

Lapis: Damn, didn't even do that in person 😰😱

Lapis: 😂

Peri: And you're not upset???

Steven: Nope. Is it bad I was laughing while I did it?

Bismuth: 😆 Bruh I don't even know

Peri: But wait, didn't Bird mom say something about planning your wedding or some shit

Mending Hearts (Human Spinel x Full Human Steven)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ