29: Devoted

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Guess who finally decided to put that 3-am motivation to good use? Moi! Hopefully I can finish this book before SU fandom ends for good and there's no one left. This is for all my books. Anyhow, I hope you guys find this at least decent, I feel as if my writing style has gotten stale since the fandom ended

Pearl stood still in a petite stand, a kind look on her face, as well as her own gift.

"I believe you forgot one."

The gift was small, not too big or special. It was innocent of course. That is, until they saw the beholder. Pearl's expression was soft, but Spinel couldn't be fooled; she didn't trust it at all. If she could, she'd punch her right in her in bitch face. However that was impossible considering Steven was restraining her from making any sort of attacks on his frail aunt. Still, even while her body was carrying twins and some sort of poison, she still had enough strength to take both of them down, which wasn't good for Steven at all considering he was slowly losing this battle to hold her back.

Spinel huffed and took a deep breath, muttering under her breath, "Steven...let me go. Now."

"Yeah, so you can kill her? Very good idea!" Steven mocked her, feeling his grip loosen on her slender arms as she tried pulling from his grasp. "Come on, I know you're pissed off at her but she showed up, that has to be good news!" He was pretty much begging with that last part.

"Bullshit!" Spinel shouts back, giving a glare full of hatred to the pale woman. "If you're here to tell me I'm a prostitute or something, I swear to Buddha I'm gonna snap your skinny ass in half!"

"EVERYONE MOVE OUT THE WAY, THERE'S GONNA BE A FIGHT!" Lapis announces as she pushes everyone to the side, also moving aside some gifts so there could be more room for battle.

'Dammit Lapis...' Steven sighs.

He was mostly expecting Spinel to throw him to the ground, jump on top of Pearl, bust her skull open, go to jail, and live the rest of his life caring for PEarl and trading letters to Spinel's prison. Whatever she wanted, he sure hoped it was good.

His grip was losening, which was bad news on his part. He and Spinel both expected her to say the wrong thing...say she should've used protection, maybe the gift was abortion papers...

But no. What she said shook them both.

"I actually came here to apologize."

"What?" They both say in unision. Spinel's shoulders untensed.

"To both of you." Pearl says in an apologetic tone. Did she mean it...? "My...behavior is inexcusable-"

"Damn right!"


"No, no, she has all the right to be mad at me. It took me a while but...I realized it wasn't Spinel I was mad at." She looks at Spinel, whose mouth was agap in shock. "I was just upset with the fact Steven was growing up and he wasn't a baby anymore. Maternal instincts kicked in, I suppose...He's graduating high school soon, gonna move out, and get married, I think. You were just growing up too fast for me, Steven."

Lapis was disappointed that no one got jumped on. Steven was actually touched by this, now realizing why she had acted the way she did. Spinel was still salty about that night, but...she'd said she was sorry, didn't she? She didn't want to (believe us, she really REALLY didn't wanna...) but she believed her. If Steven did, that must mean she has to do it too. Ugh...

That didn't mean she still didn't have her suspicions. "That sounds too nice to be true...you can't tell me you just randomly had an epiphany and was like, 'Gee golly gosh...I really am a dumbass!' " Spinel says with her arms crossed in disbelief.

Mending Hearts (Human Spinel x Full Human Steven)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant