30: Deja Vu

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Heya Kommun! Thought I forgot about this, right? Well, I'm a Stevinel shipper for life, and I won't be satisfied until all my Stevinel books are completed. Besides, I got comments asking me to update, so I shall give my loyal followers (seriously, ya'll are the best) what they please! There's gonna be some childbirth detail, a bit of angst here and there, and a sprinkle of nut dust, so I suggest you get some Pepsi, a ham-n-cheese sammich, and some M&Ms to sweeten it.

And with that, let the angst BEING~!


"She's in labor."

Once Pearl had told him those words, Steven's heart came to a sudden halt. Spinel was in labor? Already? She was only 6 months! Well, a little over that, but she wasn't quite at 7 yet, and as slow as he was, he knew that it would be 3 more months before she should've actually given birth. Maybe it was the poison that accelerated it, but still. With what she was dealing with, with twins no less, and the low chance of survival, he knew for sure she was fucked now.

And, now that he thought of it, the twins were too.

"She's...she's already in labor?!" Steven had questioned in panic out loud. "H-how?! Does she have a ride to the emergency room?! Who's there with her? Oh god Pearl-"

"Steven." She says with a certain calm in her voice. She puts an assuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll get this taken care of. I'm sure the Diamonds are getting her there as fast as they can, what I want you to do is calm down."

"How can calm down when my fiancee is going on a date with Death right now?!" His heart was going at millions of miles per hour at this point, and he could hardly breathe. Nor could he hardly believe this was real. His face turns red from his stress. "I need to be there with her!" With that being said, Steven grabs his jacket and stuffs his shoes on.

Calm as ever, Pearl sighs. "Steven."


"You're turning into Greg."

Sweating and panting, he looks at her with curiousity, but it only took a moment to figure out what she was referring to.

She swiftly gives him his phone and goes out of his bedroom door. "Greg did the same thing with Rose. If he learned anything, it's that panicking won't help anything. What you need to do is just be in the room with her, and leave the rest to the professionals."

To be honest, Dr. Waxed Testices wasn't the most professional of doctors.

Steven took one of the deepest breaths he ever took of his life after he follows her. Amethyst, who was lounging on the couch, pops her head up once she sees Pearl grab the car keys. "Yo Pearl, what's-"

"Spinel's having the babies."

"Oh." She simply says. Amy looks at Steven. "I'll be there with you, bro."

Although it was a selfish thought, Steven didn't care if she showed up or not. He would much prefer driving his Dondai there himself, where he could take his anger out on the road, be there fast enough to see Spinel again.

Taking the keys from Pearl's hand, Steven ran straight for the Dondai and cranked up the car, getting frustrated when it wouldn't get warmed up as quickly as he liked it to. Every moment he spent in this car meant one more moment he's apart from Spinel, and it killed him. He hadn't realized how much time with her he had taken for granted, getting mad at her and yelling at her over what? Over what Pearl said? She was right to storm out, he realizes. He's a jerk. A horrible boyfriend. If he couldn't even support her in a high school relationship, what made him think he'd be a fit enough husband for her?

Mending Hearts (Human Spinel x Full Human Steven)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें