27: Nameberry

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-That night...-
* * *
The rest of the day dragged on and on and on. In Spinel's head, however, was a completely different story. Had she made the right decision? Should she try to at least accuse him of attempted murder? No, he was right, she has no evidence whatsoever not even the bottle of poison could help. After all, he's filfthy rich; he could always bribe the judge. Her head was filled was so much stuff she was sure she could make a whole class about what went on in her pretty little head. Hell, she could make a speech about it. But Spinel knew telling anyone about the encounter would bring even more problems on top of the ones she, Steven, and everyone else had with her.


Were they officially broken up over what happened? Honestly they both were pissed off over nothing, and that useless anger is what breaks many couples up. A panic rose upon the pregnant girl if Steven really had cut the whole engagment off. They'd only had that status for 2 days!

"Fuck fuck fuck..." she cursed to herself as she searched for her phone (which Cobbledick stole to talk with Cat Steven), frantically getting onto Steven's contacts and typing as fast as her pale fingers could go. She'd be lucky if he hadn't blocked her yet.

Spinel: Steven, I'm sorry about earlier, I got mad over nothing and you're right; I should be glad you stayed when we found out I was pregnant instead of being a bitch about it. Can we forget that whole scenario? Plz?

'I'm so gonna get left on read...'

She waited nervously for his reply. He hadn't blocked her, that's obvious, and she was grateful for that. Honestly her hopes weren't too far up. After all, if Pearl pulled a Karen move, grounded him, and took his phone in the process, no way is he gonna reply.

Actually he might not reply even if he had the choice to.

Waiting felt like an eternity, every second she'd check to see if he had replied, though that would've been obvious. Even the twins were anticipating, though that was probably because they were ready to get the hell outta that cramped up womb. She sighed, lying down in exhaustion from today's events. She ought as well get the rest she's missed out on, after all she's gonna need it. Though, she still can't stop thinking about the choice she made today. Was it even worth it? It was probably gonna bite her in the ass, but that was for later.

Without even a second of rest, she heard her door open once again and a magenta figure slipped through with a half-eaten fish in her mouth. The cat closed the door with her hind leg as she went towards the foot of the bed to continue eating her raw treat.

Spinel groaned as the scent of raw fish filled her lungs. "Dammit, Cobble. Can you take that elsewhere?"

The cat rolled her eyes and gave her a 'bruh' look. "Can you take your bitchin' elsewhere? I needa eat too, ya know."

"I iterally left a bowl of cat food before I left, idiot."

"Oh, that's what that was? What do I look like, a vegan? Besides..." Cobbledick continued to finish her treat. "I went trash shopping today. Pretty good stuff. I'm shocked I didn't see your fuckboi boyfriend in there while I was looking. Howze that loser anyways?"

Even though she couldn't tell if she was genuinely wanting to know if he was alright or if she was just askin just to ask, Spinel shrugged and checked her phone once again.

No response.

Drowned by disappointment, Spinel sighed sadly as she stuffed her face in her pillow. "I don't wanna talk about it..."

"Good cause I can't stand it when you tell-"

"It all started when his stork of an aunt caught me giving Steven one of the best blowjobs of his damn life--" Cobbledick groaned. "I for one wasn't all that fazed but Steven looked like he was gonna die any second. Long story short, she got on my ass, calling me a prostitute--you know, the usual. Then she got pissed off when Steven told her the truth about Cuckie, then he started talking about how he was fine on his own. That pissed her off, obviously, though it was pretty hot hearing him not being a pussy for once. One thing lead to another, we had an arguement, and BAM! Here I am, lonely, ghosted, and worst of all..." Spinel whined. "Very...very...horny..."

Mending Hearts (Human Spinel x Full Human Steven)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora