The Court of Aletheia

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27 Zenith, 13006

3rd Pov

Dear Mari,

I am writing you to notify you of Father's illness. He hasn't been well for some time, I'm afraid. Healer Kierian says it's a similar illness to the one that killed King Agni. I am unsure how to feel about him dying. I know I should feel sad, but I don't, and I don't know if that makes me a bad daughter or not.

I wish you would come to visit. Healer Kierian says he has less than two weeks to live with how fast the illness is progressing. I'll write to you soon.

Your loving sister,


Hertha sighs. She folds up her letter and hands it to her chambermaid. The young female knows what to do. The young female curtsies to her mistress and leaves for the portal master. From there, the letter is given to a runner to deliver to Kaliste's portal master. 

Back in her Father's room, Hertha watches over her Father like the dutiful daughter she is. Or so the court of Aletheia thinks she is.

30 Zenith, 13006

Mari's Pov

"When did this letter arrive?" I ask, waving the letter from my sister in Leora's direction. I sat at my vanity last night. How did I not see it until this morning?

My lady's maid crosses from my wardrobe to my vanity to glance at the envelope. "Three days ago, my lady,"

Three days? Beck and I were still visiting the witches of Ethos, at least the ones that settled in Kaliste.

I turn to face Leora. She holds up two evening gowns for me to choose from. Blue or purple? Blue tonight, I think. I point to the blue one and ask where King Beck is.

"He said he would be in Lord Mylo's study,"

"Thank you, Leora. I'll see you before dinner,"

"Of course, my lady," Leora curtsies before she leaves my bedroom. I catch her smile as she closes the door.

Hertha's letter is troubling. How am I supposed to feel about Father dying? He sold me to Val, then tried to sell Hertha to Lord Enro. No. I don't need to feel. I need to make an appearance for Mother and Blane, then I can leave. Maybe I should talk to Father before he goes.

I need to talk with Beck.

I stand and make my way toward Mylo's tower. Today is Tethys. I won't have a lesson until Seren. That leaves five days. I could leave for Aletheia tonight and be back for my lesson on Seren. Or I could leave tomorrow and be back on Seren. Or...Spirits, too many options for a decision I don't want to make.

The walk to Mylo's tower doesn't take long. The early morning rays have long since passed. If I have the time, I might return with my sketch pad. I've been meaning to redraw this part of the castle. The old one is not quite magical enough.

Once at the door to Mylo's study, I knock once before walking in. As I turn the knob, large boom echos, and a force pushes against the door. I try the knob, but it won't budge. Why does it sound like a windstorm is picking up inside?

Was that on purpose or a fluke?

"Mylo, it's Mari," I yell. 

A loud, moment, comes from inside. What could he have done? I call out to Mylo and ask if I should come back later. Mylo yells back he will only be one more moment. And true to his word, the pressure on the door releases a moment later.  

Inside Mylo's study, the tower is a wreck. It's like a hurricane went through. I heard wind, but why the mess?... Mylo uses wind magic. Of course, the spell didn't go to plan. 

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