The Winter Solstice

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20 Atlas of the year 13004

Bianca's Pov

"Psst! Mari," I whisper behind Mari's chair in the garden. I keep my eyes trained on guard in the north corner. He stands across from Mari. Likely to keep her out of trouble.

"We leave for Caledonia tonight. I managed to get Val to allow you to go. Val says you can see your family. I don't know for how long, but at least you'll get to see them." I look up at the sky. It's almost time for dinner. "You should get going Val will be looking for you in your rooms,"

I disappear through the bushes. Standing a good distance away I watch Mari get up and start walking. I head to my own to start packing. I know we won't be there for long. But I have to play the part.


"What do you want Ward!" I halt in the middle of the hall. Ward walks up and pats me on the shoulder. A twinkle in his eye. What is he up to?

"Val wants you to know that your on Mari's personal guard."

"What! Why? He knows we don't get along." I growl, pulling my short blonde hair through my fingers and mashing my teeth together. Ward chuckles. Perfect. My performance was bought.

"Val's orders."

"..Fine.." Ward hands me a letter before leaving. I watch him retreat down the hall. Only then I glance at the fancy lettering on the cover. Blast it's from Father.

After I get to my room I open the letter and read the words written on the page. I read the words over and over again. In disbelief, I toss my wine-filled cup against the nearest wall. The sweet scent fills the air. The colour of blood drips down the stone wall.

"Sol you sorry excuse for a male!" I scream, knowing neither Sol nor Father can hear me. "Why?"

I take a deep breath to calm myself. I place the crumpled letter on my nightstand before I take off my armour and get ready for bed. Hours later I wake. Damn this overthinking. I can't get over the words Father wrote. About me and how I'm to come home to be less of a disgrace. Like having a female in the guard isn't an accomplishment. I worked my ass off to get where I am.
Mari's Pov

"It's time to go!" Val snatches my arm and drags me along. Minutes later we arrive at the throne room and waiting for us is King Agni, Bianca, Ward, Sol & Chay.

"Good of you to join us. In Caledonia, you will find it to be quite warm so take heed in your personal matter." King Agni says, he gestures to the portal and again as they did six months ago, Ward and Chay take me by my arms and escort me through.

On the other side, the warm breeze of the coastal kingdom brushes against my cheek. I take a deep breath. Savouring the sweet smell. Much less stuffy than Amberanian. Ward leads me up the steps of the castle. He carelessly chats.

At the top, Ward and Chay hand me over to Bianca. She doesn't take my arm but she does stand too close. Bianca takes me to the meeting room. Like the one in Persia. Inside the royals from the last meeting are conversing. Including my brother and sister. They survey the room. Then they see me.


"Hertha!" Bianca doesn't try to stop me from running to my sister. She launches herself into my awaiting arms. "Oh, my Spirit! Hertha!"

"Mari! I..I..I." Hertha tries to say something but she can only hold on to me.

"I know, I know. Blane was a mean son of a bitch wasn't he."

Hertha sputters at my language. She quickly finds her footing and bitterly responds. "I wasn't told until Blane got home and told me himself."

"Mari!" Bianca whispers, waking me from my sleep.


"Wake up. It's time to go." At Bianca's words, I jump out of bed. After months of corresponding and reading the letters the duo has sent over the years, I finally get to meet Bianca's contact. I'm nervous. This is the most sneaking around I've ever done. In my short 20 years.

"Let's go, the guards rotate soon," We slip out the door and head down to the fountain. We don't run into any trouble on our way. Thank the spirits. It would have been a time trying to explain. Especially since the meeting is in the morning. Not to mention jeopardizing our escape.

We sit down beside the fountain and wait. It doesn't take long for a figure to appear. The male nods to Bianca and me. Bianca stands to greet him. "Beck it's good to see you again."

"Bianca. I hope you've been well." Beck says, his name rings around my head for a bit before he turns his attention to me. "And you must be Mari.."

Our eyes meet and the world slows. His green eyes calm my nerves and I feel right at home. Even though I'm sitting on the ground. "Yes...I am..why do I feel like I should know you?"

"My Father is the King of Kalisté, the North Court," Beck says, not breaking eye contact with me. Oh! That makes sense. Beck is a near-spitting image of his Father. I met King Kent a few years back. Father hosted King Kent for some reason. I wasn't meant to be there but Father and Kent left his study early.

I got an earful later that night.

"That makes sense."

"Ehem," Bianca intrudes. "are we going to talk about what's happening in the morning? Or are you two just going to stand around waiting for someone to find you?"

"Sorry. I was only thinking."

"Ya, sure. You looked like you had found your long-lost lover," Bianca mutters, pulling out a map and spreading it out on the fountain. Caledonia. I locate the fountain we're at now.

Bianca points to the room I saw Hertha and Blane earlier today.

"This is where we will be during the meeting. And this is where we need to be after the meeting. Beck will meet us there to take us to Kaliste." Bianca says pointing to all the different places we are and will be. "--people are coming!"

We dive into a bush to hide from whoever is walking our way. Beck lets out a soft grunt and I'm suddenly very aware of how close we are. He looks straight into my eyes.

"That was close, too close...we should go...oh get off her!" Bianca grabs Beck and pulls him up. He towers over her.

"I'll see you after the meeting," Beck says, leaving Bianca and me to go back to our own rooms.

Back in my room, I take off my shoes and slip under the sheets. My eyes trail over to the nightstand at the book Hertha gave me earlier today. "Oh why not it's not like I'm going into the meeting room."

I pick up the book and start reading about a lady and a knight.

The King of RuinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang