Turning of Seasons

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12 Auriga, 13006

3rd Pov

"This year we plan to the maximum," Beck states passing out paper to his small court. This meeting was called last minute, but it's important. Earlier in the day, before Bianca mentioned taking Mari on a trail ride, Beck and his court learned the 21 of Kore is Mari's birthday.

Not only was she born on the spring equinox her birth signified all the deeds of winter will fade. A new hope.

"Question," Darrian asks raising a finger. The others turn to the younger redhead. "Why didn't she tell us when her birthday was last year?"

"She was settling in," Mylo states. "It would have been a lot if we asked her about it,"

"How would you feel if your father sold you to a male you hated and when you escaped he followed and planned to destroy anyone in his path," Kerri states, summing up the events of the past year and a half. She makes good points. It would have been extra stressful if Mari had told the court and they planned a grand event.

With Val off their tail, they have free range.

"Fair point," Myla glances at Darrian. Catching Myla's gaze Darrian turns his to the floor.

"That's what I thought," Kerri states. She pours herself a tall glass of wine from Beck's not-so-secret stash. Beck stares her down and lets out a small whine. The redhead only grins. "You didn't hide the bottles well enough,"

"Remind me to find a better hiding place," Beck mutters to his brother, then announces to his court. "I had a thought of how to distract Mari. I'm thinking Myla and Kerri can take her shopping for the day and come back at around 7,"

Beck looks to Mylo. "You and I along with Bianca can set up while they keep Mari away,"

"And what should I do my king?" Darrian asks nudging his king's foot with his own.

Beck makes an oh face as if remembering he had a fifth court member to help him. The young king pauses for a moment, then smiles. "You know how you're a fantastic critic,"


"Go shopping and gossip,"

Darrian smiles. "Perfect,"

"As for decorations what are we thinking?" Myla asks, she knows her way around Mari's styles by now. Beck passes his list to the lady of Kaliste. His list contains various types of purple flower orders. From Anemone, Canterbury bells, Bellflowers and Bee Orchard to the most ordered Hyacinth.

Mari's favourite flower. A flower Mari used to keep in her windowsill box.

In addition to flower orders, Beck has a small range of fabrics to be ordered from Lady Vranes. His idea consists of a canopy hanging from the ceiling, which will cover a mural to be revealed at the party. A touching detail given to Beck by his father.

"It will be the turning of the seasons, we'll play into that," Beck smiles.

"She'll like that,"

"I think so too."

21 Kore, 13006

Mari's Pov

"Happy spring Mari!" Myla waltzes over to where I am currently sitting, a book in hand and a mug of tea still piping hot. I was looking forwards to my afternoon but Myla looks like she has something planned.

"Happy spring Myla,"

"Want to go shopping?"


"Come on it will be fun plus you need a new wardrobe for spring--wait you said yes," Myla pauses blinking a few times before yelling for Darrian and Kerri. Kerri almost immediately appears. Darrian on the other hand doesn't.

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