Day Out

28 0 0

25 Astris, 13006

Lady Crane has a remarkable collection of art. Quite the eye she had. I'd love to have a chat with her. If only she wasn't caught in the crossfire between Amberanian and Kaliste. Lady Crane was an intelligent female. A shame she died early.

It was the year 11643. Kaliste had just declared war on Amberanian. Kaliste's long-time ally Altearia pulled out of the war before it started. The king of Altearia's son was killed at six weeks. Some believe it was poison, a jealous concubine of the king. Kill the baby kill the wife, and move up in status.

Some say it was his wife, but it doesn't add up. Why kill yourself shortly after killing your child? Personally, I believe it was an assassin hired by the king of Amberanian to keep Altearia out of the conflict. All of the conspiracies are entertaining.

Lady Crane was on her way through Amberanian when war was declared. There was no possible way for her to know not to cut through the kingdom. She and her group of knights were found eight days into the fighting.

Each one was slaughtered and sent back to Kaliste in bags.

Neave the current queen of Kaliste fought hard to avenge her friend and closest confidant. Queen Neave was killed after all her hard work to keep Kaliste from the king of Amberanian. Thankfully her son the prince ended the war swiftly. After nearly two hundred years of fighting—


"Hello," I respond. That voice is familiar. I don't get familiar voices this time of day. It's nowhere near dinner. I think.

After nearly two hundred years of fighting prince Ewan now King Ewan defeats Amberanian at the battle of—


I look up from the book and standing in the doorway of my studio is Beck. He's wearing his riding clothes. Is he going for a ride? "Beck,"

Beck smiles at me. The wide kind that always turns into a grin. He always does that. No matter the circumstances. It's just how Beck is. He only smiles like that when he's looking at his parents, Mylo or me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing,"

A smile breaks out on my face. "I work here,"

"But what if I was to tell you I planned to take you on a picnic this afternoon,"

He didn't. Holy fae. "Did you really?"

"I did, now let's get you changed," Beck nods his head towards the hall. He pushes off the doorframe and offers me his hand.

I place the book on my table and take long strides to cross the room. His hand moulds perfectly with mine. His hand quickly warms mine. Together we walk back to the royal halls.

After changing we walk to the stables. We don't get far. Truth be told we only get eight feet before Myla calls our names. With her is Mylo. Not an odd occurrence. The pair also are wearing riding clothes.

"Glad you could make it Mylo," Beck claps his brother on the shoulder. Mylo on the other hand has a bewildered look on his face. Even I know what Beck means. He would have said the same to me if not for collecting me himself.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Myla usually has to pry you away from your work to eat, this is no exception," Beck states. He's right. Very right. Mylo usually gets so preoccupied with his work that he's late for dinner and lunch. A servant usually fetches him.

"She does not,"

"Yes, I do." Myla grins.

Mylo frowns but it doesn't last long. As he watches Myla stride down the hall he begins to smile.

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