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"Val is on his way to claim what he believes is his."

"That obsessed sadistic male." I wholeheartedly agree with Mari. Val is obsessed. That's not the kind of King you want ruling. Amberanian will fall.  

He is the King of Ruin. 

Three Days Later

"Darrian! Prepare the fifth battalion! Everyone needs to be ready!" I holler after my elder friend and advisor. 

Darrian nods and runs off. Kalisté's guard is busy preparing for war against Amberanain. We've taken over the middle and lower towns. People have been evacuating to the western mountains. The witches from Ethos have agreed to shelter them. 

Father was kind to keep relations with the witches. Their helping us will result in us owing them a favour. That is a good enough reason for them to help. Good enough for us too. 

"Your majesty!" A messenger yells, barreling down the street. "King Kent sent word. King Val's army was spotted crossing the border." The messenger heaves, trying to catch his breath. 

I hold out my hand and allow him to breathe first. He looks sick. He must have been running for some time. I grab the ladle from the water basin and fill a cup. The male gratefully takes it from my outstretched hand. 

"How many came with Val?"

He shakes his head. "King Kent didn't say." The male manages to gasp out.

I dismiss the messenger and head off to Father's lookout. 

When I reach the lookout, he's standing with Mari. They look to be deep in conversation. I smile. Two of my favourite people standing together and getting along. The sight makes my heart swell. All that's missing is father holding a grandchild. 

"Father, what is your prediction?"

"They will have only half of their army by the time they reach the other side of the mountain range." I take my place on Father's left. His gaze stays trained on the mountains. Beyond the range are plains and the border. 

In the distance, a small dot can be seen between the twin peaks of the largest mountains. That dot could be our impending doom. 

"How long till they reach the twin peeks?"

"A few days, maybe a week and a half. With an army of that size, they will need it. When Val realizes he can't get in through the peeks, he will try to go over the mountains, and when that fails, he'll go around,"

"What do you mean they won't get far when going over," Mari asks. 

I smile at her before explaining. "We placed archers and the fifth battalion in the range to pick off any who climb, and we put up the barrier between the twin peeks last night."

A week and a half later

"Prince Beck! King Val has been spotted at the far side of the Mountain range." A young guard runs up to me. 

This news is old. I spotted him earlier this morning through Father's enchanted telescope. I thank the guard and continue preparing for battle. Mari and Father will be in his study. Mother and her ladies will be well watched by Kaliste's finest guards. Bianca will be watched in the training ring with Myla. 

Five days ago, Darrian and his troops came back from the mountain range. They reported they picked off numerous soldiers. When they finished giving Father their report, Darrian pulled me to the side. He told me Val's army is nothing to what it was two hundred years ago. I, of course, sighed in relief. 

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