Market Part 2

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"Let's stop in here," Darrian smiles a hand already on the brass handle. Another work of art.

How did he? He must have seen me eyeing it. It's been a while since I've gotten a new dress. I've all but ruined the last few with charcoal. Besides I need a pair of pants. It's easier to draw on a large canvas in pants. Rather than tie back a long skirt.

It's not flattering to tie back the skirt either. A little awkward at best. Ridiculous at worst.

"Don't tell Myla or Kerri. They'll become jealous,"


A month after arriving in Kaliste, Mylo mentioned offhandedly that Myla and Kerri become terribly jealous when they aren't included in shopping excursions. I've yet to see this outlandish behaviour. On my second day in Kaliste, Mylo did take me shopping without the girls but they never spoke of it. I assume it's because I was new and they didn't want to add to my trauma.

Now, however. They joyfully threaten whoever when there's a hint of going shopping. I don't mind. I've never had many friends so this is good fun. Even if Kerri has lovingly threatened to stab me. Lightly as she puts it. I'll lightly stab you.

Good times.

"Come what do you want?" Darrian nods to the seamstress at her station helping a young female. The female acknowledges Darrian and returns to the young female.

From what I can hear she's looking for a new nighty. Not your business Mari. You don't need to know that. Don't want to either.

Beside me is a large stack of fabric. Green, blue, ooh purple. I run my fingers over the soft purple cloth. Stunning. Love the depth of the colour. A dress would be wonderful in this. "I need a new dress and a few pairs of pants. I've all but ruined the last three dresses in the art curators study,"

"I said want, not need Mari,"

"And I want a new dress and some pants," I firmly state, darting over the mound of fabric. Darrian immediately says three dresses.

"I don't need three new..." Damnnit. "I see your point,"

Darrian hums. An all-knowing look directed at me. A, how can I help you both, cuts us out of our debate. The female who was previously helping the young female stands between Darrian and me. A large smile brightens her round face.

Darrian grins. Oh no. What has Mylo told him? The female looks at Darrian and grins. Tentatively I smile. What have I gotten myself into? I suppose Myla or Kerri would have the same look to them.

For fifteen minutes the female and Darrian hold fabrics of different colours, styles and variations up to my body. They speak in a hushed voice barely audible. Even for me. Colours, styles, fabrics and more they speak of. It all goes over my head.

I've always let the seamstress in Aletheia choose the styles for me. She was always to be trusted. She always left me feeling better than when she arrived. She and her wife were the best. Too bad I can't write to them. If I did Father could use it against them. And I care too much to let that happen.

I don't even notice there are others in the shop until someone growls Darrian's name.


That's Myla's voice.

Slowly I turn around. Standing in the doorway are Myla and Kerri. Kerri has a well-known ticked-off look and Myla is seething. If she controlled fire smoke would be coming out of her nose and ears. Well, haven't we stumbled across a predicament. Too bad Darrian is about to be eaten alive.

"Oh fuck," Darrian shoves the fabric into my arms and turns to leave. So much for our outing. And not telling Myla and Kerri.

"Don't you try and run,"

"Wouldn't try dear sister," Darrian seems to shrink in size. He's not an overly large male, only average. Kerri on the other hand she's march larger than most females. 

"No, you know too well,"

Myla turns to me and dismissively waves a hand. Now that is something Kerri would do. She wonders over to me and holds up a blue fabric. One with a sheen to it. It's beautiful. And would go well with my eyes.

Myla smiles up at me on my stool. The stool the seamstress plopped me on. "Oh, I don't blame you," She glares at Darrian. "I blame Darrian for not offering to take us too,"

"We came out to get ingredients for tonight,"

"It's Faye already?"

"Yesterday was Tritan and the day before that was Wylan and you know what comes before that,"

"Yes, yes, Tethys, Maren and Seren," Myla rolls her eyes. She knows Seren is the beginning of the week and Stelara is the end with Maren, Tethys, Wylan, Tritan and Faye in between. Seven days per week and 30 or 31 days make up a month. Everyone knows this. Every young fae learns this from the age of 4.

"Oh isn't this cute," Kerri holds up a dress in a blush colour. Pretty. Myla quickly agrees. Myla and Kerri share a look. "It would go splendid with your complexion."

"Ah, I see the king has arrived," Darrian smiles at Beck.

"Don't you start," The older lord snorts all the while plating his well-prepared meal.

The new king rolls his eyes and sits on my left. He scans my page and smiles.

I attempted to help him prepare the dinner but it was less than spectacular. Darrian has a gift for cooking. A real gift more than I can say for myself. In the end, he said I'm better off sketching the scene. So I did. A beautiful scene it is.

"Why ever not my lord?"

"Kerri started it and I will have none of it while in present company,"

"Now you sound like Kent," Kerri states taking her seat on my right. She leans closer to take a look at my finished illustration. She tells me it's stunning and I captured her brother's likeness perfectly.

It took a while but I got him down pat. Easy. Easier than her. Darrian isn't as complex as she is. He has a lighter air to him, which can be easier to capture.

Beck groans and bangs his head on the table. He sighs leaving his head where it is. "Don't start that either, I've had enough court officials tell me that today I don't need you saying it too,"

"I doubt you'll live it down for another lord," Myla grins patting my shoulder on her way to her seat. Mylo follows close behind. Watching her every move. They would be a cute couple.

"I doubt it too," Beck sighs straightening himself in his seat. "Before we begin this lovely meal Darrian has prepared, Kerri as our resident spiritualist might you say a few words,"

"Of course," Kerri begins her blessing to the spirit king and the spirits we worship.

Beck leans close to me. He covers my hand with his. A bold move while Kerri is giving a blessing. It may come back to bite him. In a hushed tone, he offers a compliment. "You look beautiful, the dress complements your complexion perfectly."

Kerri and Myla knew exactly what they were doing when they insisted on the blush-coloured dress. I suppose Kerri will be lenient with her tongue lashing. This is after all why she insisted on the dress.

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