Wintertide Part 2

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"Who wants to hand out presents first?"

"How about Mari goes first. As she is one of our newest members." Kent smiles. An encouraging look tells me I'll be fine.

I grab one of the distinctly terrible wrapped presents I finished last night. I begin with Bianca. She gladly accepts the present. I continue until I've given everyone but Kent and Fern a gift. For them, I have one to share.

"Can you move? I placed yours behind the couch." Kent chuckles. He and Fern move and I reach behind them. I didn't have enough paper to wrap the entire thing but I had enough to cover the top. "I ran out of paper. So I hid it."

Fern and Kent gape at the large hand-drawn picture. It's of them sitting in the garden. I had seen them and did a quick sketch. "It's stunning."

"Thank you." Fern engulfs me in a hug.

"Oh! I have one more thing to hand out." I grab a bag from beside Bianca and hand out the drawings. One for each person. Reactions are wondrous. Full of shock and glee.

For Bianca, I gave her a scarf and her drawing was of when I saw her riding a horse last month. She was full of glee. That was the happiest I've seen her since we left Amberanian.

I gave Darrian a sketchbook with a small note on the first page telling him I will teach him to draw. His picture was when he was laughing at Mylo for spilling a drink on his trousers. The smaller male had been trying to drink while staring at Myla. That didn't turn out so well.

Fern helped me pick out the perfect spellbook for Mylo. As the resident mage, I had to be careful as to what I got him. He knows more about spells than I do. Fern was a big help. His drawing is of him staring fondly at Myla. I was going to make one of him casting a spell but that didn't turn out. Mylo grins at my gift. "Thank you. This is one I need."

Like Fern, I picked out a dress for Kerri. Only I didn't make it. This one is pure white. I wasn't sure if it was going to wash her skin tone out but now that I see her with it, it's perfect. Her drawing is of her playing chess. She was concentrating so hard. It made for a beautiful sketch.

Myla's present is a scarf. Only hers acts as a head covering too. I was able to weasel out of her where she's from. So I found a book on Persia, the sun court and found something accordingly. Her drawing is of her staring up at the sky at night. It was a peaceful moment.

"Kers, it looks like you have two dresses to pick from today." Kerri sticks her tongue out at Myla. Who in turn wrinkles her nose. Kerri pauses before groaning.

"Ugh, your right."

"Wear Fern's." I nod.

For Beck, I gave him a jacket. His picture was of him writing a letter. I had originally thought to give him the one I drew of him while he was writing Val but that's a touchy subject. Instead a month after the incident with Val I found Beck writing. I had recently finished drawing Fern and Kent an hour before. But this moment could not be passed up. Beck leans close and kisses my forehead. "Thank you."

After half an hour of people fawning over the presents I gave them and presents Myla gave us Darrian calls for Beck. "Alright, Beck your turn."

"Okay, okay I'll go." Beck stands and hands out his presents. I can already tell he bought me some sort of book when he places it in my lap.

Once done handing out his presents he sits down beside me. In his hands is a long rectangular box.

Beck watches as I slowly rip open the paper on my book. It's a sketchbook. A grin slides onto my face. How did he know I needed a new one?... I guess ripping pages upon pages out of my other one does hint in a way. I spent too many pages on getting Kerri and Beck just right. Her hair and his eyes were driving me mad.

"Oi, Bekkers!" Kerri holds up a spellbook. "What are you trying to say?"

Beck's lips part. Nothing comes out.

"Honey we all know I am terrible at magic." I burst out laughing.

Kerri chuckles. She stares at Beck. "Oh just give her the box!"

Beck sighs and passes me the long box.


"Open it."

Later That Night

"Don't you look pretty," Bianca smirks. Her blue dress fits her perfectly. I don't know how Fern did it. Like Kerri, Bianca doesn't wear dresses all that often.

"So do you."

"Beck's necklace suits you." She motions to head for the courtyard. I smile and touch the purple gemmed necklace. In truth it is stunning. It fits perfectly. While getting ready for dinner I also put in the earrings Kerri bought me. I only have two holes so the third pair had to be left on my dresser. On my wrist is the dainty bracelet Bianca gave me and on my fingers are four rings from Myla.

Inside the courtyard Beck, Mylo, Darrian, Myla and Kerri stand together. It seems Kerri decided to wear the dress given to her by Fern. I'm glad. Myla's yellow dress matches Mylo's pocket square. Fern is truly playing matchmaker.

Bianca and I glide over to our friends. Beck immediately loops an arm around my shoulders. "Your Mother has some ideas about us."

"Indeed she does." Beck's chuckles reverberate into my side. I smile. Such a funny feeling.

A few feet away Fern squeals.

"Look Kent! Look!" Fern not so discreetly points at us. Kent tries to quiet his wife.

"No, I am not going to spoil their moment," Kent mutters some more. "No, I am not too loud."

We burst out laughing. Oh, what a wonderful Wintertide today has been.

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