Bianca's Plan 2

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12 Zenith, 13004

"Three months left. Three months," Bianca sighs laying back on my bed. A groan falls from her mouth.

Only three?

That means I've been here for three months already. How has time passed so fast yet so slow? Spirits.

"When's the next solstice?"

"Three months and nine days," Binaca responds. She sits up with a grunt. A thing of magic sparks from her fingertips.

She casts her gaze out to the balcony. It's past midnight. It's late and we need to be up early. At least she does. I can sleep for a bit longer than her.

Perks of not being a captain in Amberanian's guard.

Bianca seems to agree. She gets up and gathers her things.

"I'll see you in a few hours," Bianca says as she slips out the door. The moment the door closes I relax my shoulders. It's exhausting keeping my posture up. Not to mention agreeing with and getting information out of Bianca.

She's not the easiest person to get along with. But I will commend her for trying.

"Captain Bianca," Agni. "What are you doing here?"

Holy fae.

I can't be caught up. If Bianca is caught that's her fault. If Agni catches me up I'm in trouble. But if he catches me up and tells Val, I'm doomed. As quickly and quietly as I can I disrobe and get into bed. I don't bother listening in on Bianca and Agni's conversation. Not that I can. Their footsteps retreat outside of my hearing range.

Not even fae can hear everything. It takes skill and sometimes magic to hear farther. Even then it doesn't always work. When I was 7 and Blane was 10 he tried to expand his hearing. He had smuggled a spellbook from Fathers High Mage's collection. All Blane ended up with was hearing loss. For a week.

I don't even remember falling asleep. The next thing I know the sun is streaming through the window.

When I get up it's not Bianca who brings me my breakfast. It's a servant from the kitchens. I think her name is Suzette. She walks me through my day and helps me dress. Once I finish eating she takes my tray and tells me Lords Sol and Ward are here to escort me to the ballroom.

Where's Bianca? Did she get caught?

Oh no.

This could be bad. How bad is it? Ugh. I can't ask Ward or Sol. Especially Sol. He's too close to Val. He practically worships the very ground Val walks on. Spirits and souls. Why did it have to be him? Ward and Chay would even be better than Sol.


Ward motions for me to start walking.

As we walk he makes small talk. He mentions that Bianca was caught by Agni after midnight. He further tells me that Agni doesn't like having her awake past midnight, especially when she was caught a few feet from my door. I ask why. Ward responds with as a captain she has duties to attend to and one is not checking up with me.

Makes sense. Plus with our history, it would seem suspicious to find her near my door. I'm glad Binaca didn't give me up. I almost didn't fall asleep from worry. Or at least a mild form of worry.

"Ah, there she is," Ward points out Bianca.

She has hay and..mud? poop? everywhere. I can't tell what's hay and what's her hair. They're both a similar colour. As she gets closer I have to hold a hand over my nose. She reeks.

Holy spirits.

Bianca nods to Sol, Ward and me as she passes. I assume she's heading for a bath. At least I hope she is.

Bianca's Pov

Horse duty for a week.

Agni must really hate me. He either hates me or doesn't like me walking around at night. I don't get why. I've done that for years. Practically since I arrived in the palace.

Oh gross. Not while I'm standing right beside you. Damn pooping horse. Sol your horse is a brute. Come to think of it, he matches you perfectly. Damned pompous males.

I swear when I get to Kaliste I will not be working on the stables. Even if I have to give up certain privileges.

"Spirits you stink,"

Sol's horse swats his tail in response.

"Thank you for that,"

I awkwardly step over the fresh poop and grab the shovel. I scoop the poop and drop it into a bucket. This is the fourth stall I've done. I have at least 20 more to do before I'm finished with this barn. Then I'll have two more barns to do. This bucket will not suffice. I'll need to find a wheelbarrow or a bigger bucket at the least.

This will be the longest week of my life. I swear. If I am given the chance to kill Agni I will take it. Gladly over this. Anything would be better than this. Anything.

Sol's horse looks right at me. What is he going to do? He lifts his tail and poops. "You little shit."

Mari's Pov

19 Zenith, 13004

What am I going to do for a week?

Does Val believe that I am going to sit around all day? Spirits I'm no an old woman. I'm not even a woman, I'm a female. I have energy to spend. I'd rather not spend my day pacing the length of my rooms. That will get old fast.

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

I race for the door. When I wench it open Chay stands with his brother. Both sport large smiles. They wedge themselves past my door and into my rooms. Ward mentions that Val sent them to keep me company. 

Great. Babysitters.

20 Zenith, 13004

Over by the fountain Ward and his brother Chay chat. They're supposed to watch me. Val's doing. He can't seem to find the will to trust me. Spirits where would I go? I've never been to amberanian's upper, middle or lower towns. Not to mention the market. I don't even know where that is. 

I turn back to my needlework. It's supposed to be a flower hanging over be the fountain. But it's turning into a scene. I've added Chay and Ward. I wasn't originally going to but it happened. All well. They look nice today. Plus there the nicest to me. Always have been. 

Some say the nicest are the scariest when they explode in anger. I've never seen either make explode. Val has. He's not shy about it either. 


I stick my finger in my mouth. That's the 18th time today. Spirits. How hard is it not to prick your finger? 

This will not be finished today. Perhaps tomorrow if it doesn't rain. And Ward and Chay take me to the garden. 

"Chay, can we go to the library?"

Chay turns to his older brother. Ward shrugs. Chay turns to me and smiles. "Of course,"

I pack up my needlework and walk over to the males. Ward takes my basket. I thank him and follow Chay out of the garden.

22 Zenith, 13004

"So this is the upper town,"

"Indeed," Ward says. He walks on my left while Chay is on my right. 

"I'm glad to be out of the palace. This is nice,"

"You best lap it up while you can. Val has other things planned," Chay says. Wait what? Should I be cautious? How much do they know? How much will that share with me? Spirits. I hate being left in the dark. 

"What kind of things?"

"How would I know? Sol is the one who gets all the details,"

Of course, Sol would know. He practically kisses Val's ass. At the best of times. When we were younger Sol was the one who was always at Val's side. No matter what. 

Bianca said he'd be a problem eventually. I hope that time does not come soon. 

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