It was fall already, the stars and the moon brightened the dark sky.

Staring at the sky through her window, she mumbled to herself.

I can see you really have a good star Ryan."

She shook her head.. or should I say your father now?"

Well, I hunt stars and destroy them no matter how lucky they are and that is what I'll do to you Ryan!"

She put back the curtains to place, spun around and walked back to her table.

She sat down on a seat adjacent to the table and started reminiscing about all the misfortunes that had befallen her and blamed Mr, William Miller for it.

It's all your fault is all your fault. It's all your fault my life turned out this way, it's all your fault that I can't boast of a family of my own, it's all your fault that I am without a child or husband!"

The woman took up her empty cup of coffee and smashed it to the wall groaning angrily.


On Friday of the same week..

Time check 7 p.m.....

Mandy had invited the other guys who were in her circle, the party was going to start in 30 minutes time...

Mandy had rented the second floor of one of the restaurants in the college and used it as the venue for the party she organised for Ifes and her squad of friends.

Here we are, hope you like my little surprise?" Mandy asked untying the white handkerchief she used in closing Ifeses eyes.

Ifes opened her eyes, relieved that the blindfold was removed now.

Oh wow! this is more than a surprise, this is epic!" Ifes exclaimed glancing around the medium sized hall..

You like it?" Mandy asked with a sense of pride.

I I love it!" She placed her hands on her chest excitedly.. Thank you so much Mandy, I don't know how to appreciate this!"

Shush! I should be the one appreciating you and not the other way around you hear?"

But for what?"

You told me about Jesus, you gave me the greatest gift I never dreamt of having in my whole life; you may not know this Ifes, but you are my legend."

No way Mandy! no way! I refused to take any glory or credit that belongs to God, Jesus gave you the gift of salvation, God is the legend here and not I."

But he used you? what if I didn't know you? what if you had not told me?"

I was privileged to be the vessel he used to reach out his undying love towards you, I mean, he could have done it through anyone, trust me Mandy, he would have."

Yes, that's true, you know, I remember the first day I met you, I thought I was just having a roommate, I never knew God was bringing someone all the way just to show me how much he would go for me to know the extent with which he loves me." Mandy held her hands and placed the other one on her chest. Ifes, I want you to know that you are the sister I never had and I love you!"

I love you too Mandy!" Ifes replied smiling.

I must confess, your dress looks perfect on you."

Mandy and Ifes both wore a pink dinner gown and a white hair bun.

Pink and white had always been Ifeses favourite colour, and seeing how special that day was for her, Mandy had suggested they dressed in that outfit.

The Link To Light, (Published).Where stories live. Discover now