here comes a thought

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I don't own bnha or Steven universe

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Universe name: here comes a thought

A young man with green hair and yellow highlights and red eyes with a bit of green in them sits crossed legged on the floor with a little boy with dark silver hair, red eyes and a hat with one horn on it
(What they look like

A young man with green hair and yellow highlights and red eyes with a bit of green in them sits crossed legged on the floor with a little boy with dark silver hair, red eyes and a hat with one horn on it(What they look like

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But with darker hair and the hat)

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But with darker hair and the hat)

Kirishima: who are they?
Naturi: I'll explain it a bit later

"Katuku-kun what are we doing? we should be training"

Class 1-A: katuku?

"We are eriouta" "BUT WE'RE JUST SITTING HERE!" Eriouta yells"there is much more to training then just fighting" katuku says calmly

Aizawa: that's true

"LIKE WHAT!?!?" Eriouta yells "like what it means to be a fusion"

Uraraka: naturi-chan what's a fusion?
Naturi: it's when two or more people become one but they have to be very close for it to be stable(is that a good discription)
Uraraka: oh okay

"What do you mean I know what being a fusion is!" "That is true but do you know the true meaning" "yea to be a stronger version of your self" eriouta says with pride but katsuku just looks disappointed. "*Sighs* no eriouta that's not quiet it, a fusion is like a relationship, one where trust is the number 1 thing," katuku says "and I've been seeing a lot less cooperation, what's going on?" Eriouta bits his lip before signing "their keeping stuff from each other and I don't know what to do" eriouta says a bit while crying "shhh it's okay" katuku says while putting his hand on erioutas

"Take a moment to think just flexibility,love and trust"
"Take a moment to think just flexibility,love and trust"

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