Chapter Sixty-One: buSy

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As you might have guessed based on the quote for Part 4, this is going to be the last part of the book. Due to the events that have happened in the past few years, I've decided that it's time for this book to come to an end. I plan on writing about 10 more chapters. Thank you everyone for making it this far and going on this journey with me. I hope the ending does the book justice.



Friday 5:30 PM

Cholesterol: Hey guys, does anyone want to do something this weekend???

Sunday 7:35 PM

Light of my Life: Sorry I've been super busy this weekend

Cholesterol: It's cool lol what've you been up to?

Light of my Life: I've just been doing art and talking to Shay

Cholesterol: Oh, sounds like fun

Cholesterol: I gotta go work on the English paper

Light of my Life: Okay lol

Light of my Life: Goodnight

Cholesterol: Night

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