Chapter Thirty-Eight: LiFe iS tOo sHoRt tO HoLd gRuDgES

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Trigger Warning: This chapter discusses a possible school shooting (there's nothing graphic whatsoever since the shooting doesn't actually happen), so, if you're triggered by stuff like that, I'd advise that you don't read this chapter. I'll put a summary of this chapter and the previous chapter at the beginning of the next one for those of you who skip this chapter.

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"Attention students and staff, the lockdown is now over. When the bell rings, everyone will go to seventh period and the school day will proceed like normal. Thank you."

There were audible sighs of relief from everyone in the room. We'd spent hours tensed, ready for the moment where we'd hear a gunshot, but, thankfully, it never came. I was about to call my parents when my phone went off with a text from the group chat. I was still caught up in the relief of knowing that I wasn't about to die, so I didn't think about how we weren't talking to each other. I just opened iMessages and looked at my texts.

Light of my Life: How can they expected the school day to go on like normal after what just happened?

Drunk Snake: Ikr it's so dumb

Not Emma: Let's talk more about it in seventh

As soon as the bell rang I was out of my seat and on my way to seventh period. An event like that put everything in perspective for me. Life's too short to hold grudges. Once I got into the classroom, I noticed the rest of the group was already there huddled in the back corner of the room. I set down my stuff and went off to join them.

"I think I can speak for all of us when I say that today changed things," Avery said as soon as I walked up to the group.

"I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we're all a bunch of dumbasses," Miranda said with a slight smile, "I'm sorry for being such a jerk, guys."

"I'm sorry too," Avery said, "I said some stuff that was out of line."

"We all did," Anneliese said, "and, for the record, I'm sorry too."

"I'm sorry too, guys," I said. 

"Does that mean we're all good?" Sarayu asked nervously.

We all turned to look at Savana, but she wouldn't meet any of our gazes. Instead, she just walked away from the group. 

"I'll go talk to her," Avery said quietly as she walked off.

"I was hoping that we'd be able to put this behind us," Anneliese said to me quietly as we sat down in our seats, "I thought we were all on the same page."

"Maybe Savana will come around once everything sets in," I replied.

"Do you think things will ever go back to the way they used to be?" Anneliese asked me.

"I don't know."

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Sorry for the short part and late update. I haven't really been inspired to write this chapter, so I've been putting it off for weeks. Thank goodness this is the end of Part 2, and Part 3 is sure to be full of more laughs, stupidity, and drama. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and, if you did, don't forget to vote and comment!


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