Chapter 26

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It felt so damn good to finally have Valen in my arms. It was as if my life was complete again. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yes, I'm fine." A stray tear strolled down her cheek.

"Good, lets go home." I put my arm around her shoulder and led her to one of the Explorers. I opened the back door for her. She slid in first and then I got in after her. She leaned into me and I put my arm around her, welcoming her. I would hold her for a hundred years straight if it would make her feel my love.

"How's my mom?" She asked.

"She's worried sick about you, but other than that she's okay."

"I can't wait to see her."

I twirled her soft hair around my fingers. "I know."

"I won't be able to get my job back, will I?" She asked, sadness evident in her tone.

"Maybe. I'm working on it," I told her.

She tilted her head to look up at me. Her eyes wide with hope. "Really? Do you think there's a chance?"

"I don't know, but I'm not going to give up, and neither are you."

"Why?" She asked softly.

"Because I want all of your dreams to come true," I said before kissing her on top of the head.

"As long as I have you, I've got all I need," she told me, making my heart melt. In that moment I wished I would've found her sooner, but now that I have her – I'm never letting go.

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