Chapter 3

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On Wednesday morning, I received the call that I had been longing for. I had obtained a squad officer position with the Camden County Police Department. I'll be starting on Monday morning. I couldn't wait to tell my mom. I jumped into my rundown Toyota Corolla, and drove down to White's grocery store. My mom and I bought the Corolla during my junior year in high school. A manager that works with her at White's was selling it for only five hundred dollars. I had three hundred and fifty saved from tips I had made at the pizzeria, and mom gave me the rest from her small savings. I hated to take her money, but she reminded me how much easier it would be on both of us if I had my own car. If my mom wasn't driving us both to work, and me to classes then I was paying for a cab or walking to get around. I have to admit, I didn't mind the walking as long as it wasn't raining or snowing, it kept me in great shape.

I walked into White's grocery, and mom was wiping down her register with Windex and paper towels while waiting on customers to be checked out. The surprise was evident on her face when she saw me. "Valentina honey, what brings you in here? Are we out of something? Is everything okay?"

I was so excited by my news that I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. "I couldn't wait to tell you in person. I received the call. I got the position!" I didn't have to tell her details for her to know what I meant.

My mom let out a low, sharp squeal. "Oh honey, I'm so happy for you," she said, pulling me into a tight hug. It lasted about a minute, and when she finally let go, she yelled over to her best friend and co-worker Anita. "Hey Nita, I'm officially the mother of a New Jersey police officer."

"That's great Sofia! Congratulations Valen, you'll make an awesome police officer," Anita told us, smiling.

I then noticed that the manager at the service desk was glowering at us and I took that as my cue to leave so mom and Anita could focus on working. "I'm going to go now mom, I'll see you back at home."

"Okay honey. I'll cook you a nice dinner later to celebrate. I've been saving a couple of steaks for a special occasion just like this."

"Okay, sounds great." I gave her a smile and a wave before exiting the store.

When I got back into my Corolla, I sent Dana a text to let her know my good news. I wanted to go see her instead of texting her. I just wished Dana and I lived in the same city so we could visit each other often or maybe even hang out. Dana lives in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, and even though it's only about a two-hour drive I think we still might be lucky to see each other twice a year once our busy lives begin.

Dana immediately replied to my text: Congrats Val. I'm so happy for you. I've recently applied to two different departments, but haven't been called for an interview yet.

I replied: Don't give up! I'm sure you'll get one soon.


Mom and I sat down for my celebration dinner around six-thirty. She grilled steaks as promised, along with baked potatoes, and a garden salad. "This is a wonderful dinner mom. Thank you," I told her.

"You're welcome honey. I just wish I could afford to take you to one of those fancy restaurants like Lobster Bay or something."

Her comment made me laugh. "Mom, most people wouldn't consider Lobster Bay fancy, but I get your point. Besides, I think your steaks are better than any restaurant."

"Aw honey, you're too sweet." She used her steak knife to point at my plate. "Now eat up before it gets cold."

For the remainder of the meal, we ate mostly in silence. As I watched her, my mind began to flood with sad memories, memories of the hardships she had been put through over the years. I thought about a time when I came really close to losing her for good.

I was nine years old, and my mom and I had gone shopping for new clothes and school supplies right before a new school year was about to begin. When we returned, my dad was already drunk as usual. It was past his dinnertime, and he was hungry and irate - not a good combination. He began yelling at my mom the moment she stepped foot inside our tiny house. In the heat of the moment and without thinking, she talked back to him. She had made a comment about him being able to cook for himself. It was as if she had poured gasoline into a campfire. His fiery rage increased tenfold, and to me, he may as well have been the devil incarnate because the look in his soulless eyes scared me to death. He lunged for my mother so quickly that she wouldn't have been able to get out of the way even if she had a second to think about it first. He knocked her back into the recliner and was standing over top of her with his giant hands around her tiny throat. At first I was in a state of shock. I didn't speak, scream, or even move an inch from the spot in which I stood. I was simply too scared and too numb to do anything. After a moment, I realized that if I didn't do something, my father was going to kill my mother. I grabbed the phone and quickly dialed Anita's phone number. She picked up on the second ring, and once I heard her voice I immediately began to cry. I tried telling her what was happening, but she couldn't make out what I was saying so I finally took a deep breath and said "dad is chocking mom" as clearly as I could. Anita ordered me to hang up and dial 9-1-1. I hung up with her, but didn't dial 9-1-1 because I knew I was running out of time. I looked at my sweet mother's face and her skin had already begun to turn a shade of blue. I threw the phone down, and jumped onto my fathers back. I immediately began pounding at his arms and head as hard as I could. I hit him so hard, my hand hurt but I guess the adrenaline is what assisted me to keep going. I yelled for him to leave my mother alone or I would kill him. The words were out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying, but to my surprise, it worked. He let my mom go. I dropped from his back and onto my feet. My mother immediately gasped for air while my father and I stood just a few feet away from each other, glaring into each other's eyes. To this day, I'm still not sure what I saw in those brown windows to his damaged soul. After a moment he stomped off into his bedroom and slammed the door closed. That was the first of two times that I had interfered during one of my mother's beatings.

After my celebration dinner, I helped mom clean up and then we went to the living room to watch television. Mom loved to watch old sitcoms, anything that made her laugh. I didn't care much about watching television. I only watched with her just so I could hear her laugh. It's not a sound I had heard much growing up, and now I don't take it for granted. Her laughter brings me joy.

A couple of hours later, I got ready for bed. When I lay down I braced myself for more nightmares, but instead I ended up dreaming about a beautiful man with amazing blue eyes. It was a huge relief.

Copyright © 2019, R.J. Snow

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