Chapter 10

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After about an hour, Chief Russell finally called Ivan and me to his office for the meeting with the female officers. The ones who fit the description of the Camden Butcher's victims. I walked into Chief Russell's office, and had expected to see Natalie and Robin, but I was unpleasantly surprised to see Valen also sitting in his office. I can't believe Chief Russell even allowed her to be in on this decision. She hasn't even been out on the streets yet.

Chief Russell didn't waste any time starting the meeting. "Okay ladies. I want to start off by saying that, under no circumstance, do any of you have to do what we are about to ask. We are simply asking for a volunteer only." He then looked at me, and I took that as my cue to take over.

"I'm not sure if any of you know, but the Camden Butcher struck again last night. Luckily, this time the victim was able to escape. She's working with one of our sketch artist's as we speak. The reason we've called a meeting with you three is because you just happen to fit the description of what the Butcher is looking for." I explained. 

"I knew it!" Robin rudely interrupted. "You're looking for a piece of bait," she said antagonistically. Robin was a good officer, but she was known for speaking her mind.

"I would like to think of it as going undercover instead of bait," Chief Russell told Robin.

I held up my hand in defense. "Yes, I'll admit we are asking you for help, but like Chief Russell said, neither of you are being forced to do this. If you don't want to or you don't feel comfortable in any way, then just let us know and that will be the end of this conversation."

"Well, I have a two year old daughter to think about. I can't do it," Robin stated in a disgruntled tone.

"I'll do it," Valen said.

I can't believe this is happening. I should just call this whole thing off. Not that I would want to risk Robin or Natalie's lives any more than Valen, but they have at least two more years of experience than she does. There's no way I can let Valen risk her life to catch that monster.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said.

"Why not Fitzgerald?" Chief Russell asked curiously.

"Because she hasn't even been out on the streets yet Chief. We can't allow a rookie to be put in a position this dangerous, so soon."

"Are you implying that I can't handle myself?" Valen asked, obviously annoyed with me.

"No, it's not that. I just don't think you're ready for this type of assignment yet. We're talking about a serial killer who's attacked five women and killed four of them."

She glanced at Natalie and Robin. "Well, I don't think you have any other choice," she said smoothly. "I don't hear anyone else volunteering."

"Well, that's settled then," Chief Russell intervened. "Valen will be helping you with this case, effective immediately." Chief Russell said to Ivan and I before looking at Natalie and Robin. "You two ladies are free to go."

I sighed. "Okay, lets go to work," I said to Valen and Ivan. I don't think I'm going to like this one bit, I thought.

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