Chapter 9

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I was ordered by Chief Russell to shadow Brian again this morning. Chief Russell told me that I would have my police uniform tomorrow morning and I would then begin shadowing a patrol officer. I was excited because I knew that meant I would get to go out on the streets instead of sitting at this boring desk with Brian. The best part about it is Brian. He makes me laugh, plus he's not hard to look at.

On my first break, I noticed I had a missed a call from Gary's garage. I walked outside to get some fresh air, and to have a quiet place to make a return call to the garage. I called and spoke to a man named Roy who told me my Corolla had a bad ignition switch, and they should have it fixed the day after tomorrow. I guess it could be worse, it could be two weeks instead of two days.

As I was finishing up the call with Roy, I noticed the same black SUV that was sitting on the street across from my house yesterday. It was now sitting across the street from the police station parking lot. This could not be a coincidence, I thought. It seems that someone might be following me, watching me. But why me? I'm nobody.

I shook my head. I'm becoming like Mrs. Morelli.

I decided to let it go for now. If they're still following me tomorrow, then I'll approach them while I'm in my police uniform, with a gun and badge.

My fifteen minutes were up and I went back to Brian's desk. "Nice break?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes actually. I just found out my Corolla only has a bad ignition switch, and will be back to me day after tomorrow."

"That's definitely good news. It sucks being without a car."

"Yeah, it does." Except when you get to ride with Detective Fitzgerald, I thought. No, that's a bad thing, I silently reminded myself.

I almost mentioned the black SUV to Brian, but then suddenly decided against it. He would probably just think I was being paranoid like Mrs. Morelli. I'll just have to handle it myself for now. I mentally reminded myself to drive by Mrs. Morelli's house to see if the man in the grey car was still watching her house. How ironic. It seems that Mrs. Morelli and I may have something in common after all.

"So do you need a ride home this evening?" Brian asked, breaking me from my reverie.

I almost considered saying yes for a moment. "No thanks. I can call my mom to pick me up."

"I would love to give you a ride. Plus it could save your mom the trip."

"Oh, I wouldn't want you to go out of your way."

"Well, where do you live?" He probed.


"Well you're in luck. I go right by there. so it wouldn't be out of my way at all."

"Okay then," I told him, smiling. "Thank you."

Just then Chief Russell walked up to Brian's desk. "Sinclair, can I see you in my office please?"

"Yes sir," I quickly got up from my seat and followed Chief Russell to his office. I hoped I didn't do anything wrong. It was only my second day on the job, and I hadn't even been on the streets yet.

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