Chapter 15

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I awoke at the sound of my phone ringing. I put my hand out to feel for Valen, but she wasn't there. I jolted upright in the bed. It was empty. Maybe she's in the bathroom.

I reached for the ringing phone that was sitting on my nightstand. "Hello," I answered.

"Liam. It's Chief Russell."

"Oh hey Chief."

"Liam, I thought you might want to know about a crime that occurred tonight."

His comment got my attention. "Okay. What's up?"

"A man by the name of Ronnie Schaffner was assaulted at his home, his arm was broken in several places."

"But he wasn't murdered?" I asked. I was confused as to why he was calling me. My specialty is homicide.

"The victims little girl witnessed the whole thing. She said the policewoman that visited their house the other day did it," the Chief said. "Liam that policewoman is Valen."

My heart suddenly sank into the pit of my stomach. "That's impossible, Valen was with me tonight," I told him. "When exactly did he get attacked?"

"About thirty minutes ago," he answered. "Is she still there? Please say she's still there," the Chief  pleaded.

"Hang on," I jumped out of my bed. Her clothes were gone. I immediately started searching my condo. "Valen?" I yelled out, but she didn't answer and she was nowhere in sight.

I put the phone back up to my ear. "She's not here. I'm going to her house, and I'll call you back shortly," I told him. Without giving him a chance to respond, I hit the end button on my phone.

I dressed as quickly as possible, grabbed my car keys, and headed out the door. I put the blue light on the roof of my Taurus and drove eighty miles an hour most of the way to her house. I brought the car to a skidding stop in front of her house. Valen's Corolla was sitting in the driveway. I jumped out of my car and ran to the front door. The house was completely dark and I felt bad for having to wake Sofia. I banged on the door and waited a few seconds, but nothing happened. I banged again and finally a light came on in one of the far rooms of the house. Soon after, the porch light came on and Sofia's face peeked through the curtain of the living room. I gave her a small smile and a wave of my hand. A moment later she slowly opened the front door.

"Liam. What are you doing here at this hour? Is everything okay?" She asked sleepily.

"I need to speak with Valen. Is she here?" I tried to keep my voice calm.

She slowly shook her head. "No, but I need to give you something." She walked away from the door for a few seconds and then returned with a lavender colored envelope. "Valen asked me to give you this."

I took the envelope from her hand. "Sofia, where did Valen go?" I asked frantically.

"I don't know. She left with her Aunt. I don't know when she'll be back. If she'll ever be back." Her eyes began to fill with tears as she spoke.

Her words shocked me, or should I say - scared the hell out of me. "Sofia, what do you mean by if she'll ever be back?"

"Maybe you should come in." She moved from the doorway to let me enter.

I went inside and watched as she sat down in the recliner. She motioned toward her sofa. "Have a seat. You'll want to sit for what I'm about to tell you. Would you like to read her letter first?"

I looked down at the envelope in my hand. I had almost forgotten that I was holding it. "Sure."

I quickly tore it open and began to read the letter:

Dear Liam,

I'm terribly sorry that I had to leave town without telling you. My situation is very complicated in ways you would never understand, but I hope that one day you could find it in your heart to forgive me.

Tonight, with you, that was the best time of my life. Being with you was the best birthday present I could've ever received. I want you to know that you couldn't have loved me better. Just know that I love you enough that I must go. You may not understand that meaning now, but it is truly for the best.

My wish for you is absolute and everlasting happiness. Please stay safe!

Love you with all my heart,


I was elated with the fact that she admitted she loves me, but I can't fathom her reason for leaving. What scares me the most is, it seems like she's not planning on returning to Camden? "What does this mean?" I asked Sofia.

"It means she can't tell you why she left. Why she had to leave." Sofia wiped at a tear on her cheek.

"Sofia, I'm begging you. If Valen is in some kind of trouble, I can help her."

She slowly shook her head. "You can't help her with this," she told me softly.

"Sofia. I love your daughter, and I'm begging you with my whole being. Please tell me where she's going," I begged her.

She stared at me a moment before speaking again. "Valen isn't my real daughter. She left with her real mother, my sister." She paused to sigh heavily before continuing. "My sister, Graciela, was in love with a vampire when she was younger."

She stopped to stare at me again. I assumed she was waiting for the words to sink into my realistic mind.

I'm not even sure I heard her correctly. "I'm sorry. Did you say vampire?"

She nodded yes. "I did. Valen is a dhampyr, which means she's half vampire Liam. She had to leave because there are vampire hunters called Stredviks after her. They want to kill her," Sofia explained. "Graciela took Valen away to try to keep her safe from the Stredviks. I wasn't lying when I said I don't know where she is."

It actually did take a moment for those words to sink in. "Let me get this straight? There are vampire hunters trying to kill Valen because they think she's part vampire?" I asked, my voice full of skepticism.

Sofia wiped away another tear that rolled down her cheek. "Yes. I can only pray for my baby girl now."

I moved forward so that I was sitting on the edge of the sofa. "Sofia, do you know which way they were heading out of town? Please! If you know anything at all, please tell me," I begged her again.

She focused her eyes on something, as if she was thinking. "Graciela said something about taking the six-seventy-six to I-ninety-five."

"What does Graciela drive?"

"She drives a red BMW."

"A sedan or SUV," I asked.

"Sedan" she answered.

I hopped up from the sofa. "Thank you Sofia," I said as I rushed toward the front door. I stopped at the threshold and turned back to look at her. "And Sofia?" I waited for her to look at me. "I'll keep her safe."

Instead of waiting for her to comment, I ran out the door, jumped in my Taurus, and headed for I-ninety-five.

So many things flashed through my mind as I was speeding toward the interstate. I thought about what Sofia said. About Valen being a vampire. I can't believe that vampires actually exist. My mind flashed back to Valen lying on my bed earlier tonight. God, she's so beautiful. I thought of her letter and the words she wrote: Love you with all my heart.

So what if vampires exist. So what if Valen is one of them, which I don't believe she is. I love her and I want to be with her, and nothing, not even a Stredvik, is going to keep her from me.

I reached for my phone and speed dialed a very familiar number. He picked up on the third ring. "Hello," he answered drowsily.

"Ivan, sorry I woke you, but I need your help."

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