Chapter 8

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I discreetly watched as Valen made her way to the opposite side of the building. Part of me just wanted to say to hell with my duties. I should go get that beautiful lady, and whisk her away to some secluded, quiet place. I wanted to get to know her better in so many ways, her mind, her body, and her mysterious soul. The other part of me knew, in reality, that I have a very important job to do. I turned and made my way to my desk and all the files that cluttered it.

Ivan jumped up from his desk as soon as he spotted me. "I've been trying to call you, did you forget your cell?" He asked eagerly.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and held it up in front of me. "It's right here, I just had it turned off. What's up?" I turned my cell phone on.

"We have a fifth victim," he said, and my heart suddenly sank deep into my stomach. 

"Status?" I asked solemnly.

"She was stabbed five times, but she got away from the bastard. She's currently in surgery at Camden University Hospital."

I could feel my expression change from solemn to hopeful, excitement. "Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let's get over to Camden University Hospital," I said as I turned and made my way to the exit.

Ivan grabbed his suit jacket and followed me out of the station. He finished filling me in on the way to the hospital.

The victims name is Ashley Roemer. She's a twenty-three year old call girl who met the Butcher at Club Revolt. He tricked her into leaving with him, and when he had her at his car, he knocked her out, tied her up, and blindfolded her. She later woke up at a farmhouse. Unfortunately, she can't remember where the house is yet, but we know where the couple picked her up. Fortunately for Ashley, a nice elderly couple saw her lying on the side of the road and stopped to help her. The couple put Ashley in their car, and took her to Camden University Hospital where she was immediately taken into surgery.

Ivan and I couldn't have arrived to the hospital at a better time. When we arrived, Ashley was being taken from the operating room and into recovery.

The doctor who operated on Ashley came into the waiting area to speak with us. He introduced himself as Dr. Shaft. Dr. Shaft told us that Ashley was stabbed five times, once in the right shoulder, once in the clavicle region, once in her right hand, and twice in her abdomen. He said that there weren't any major organs hit, but she did have some major tissue damage, and she lost a significant amount of blood. Dr. Shaft told us that she may not be awake enough to talk, but we could try in about an hour.

I didn't want to leave the hospital just in case there were any changes in Ashley's condition, so Ivan and I went to the hospital cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. We both chose a bagel and coffee before sitting down at a table.

"So, what's going on with you?" Ivan asked between bites.

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

"You've been acting different the last couple of days."

"I just want to get the Butcher off the streets so he doesn't hurt anyone else." I wasn't sure what else he meant.

"Nah, I think there's something else, or maybe someone else."

I slowly shook my head. "Nope, nothing else," I fibbed. The green-eyed angel immediately popped into my mind, but I wasn't going to get into that with Ivan right now.  We need to focus on Ashley and the case.

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