Chapter 16

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"They're still behind us," I told Graciela.

"I know. I plan on losing them on I-ninety-five. We'll be getting on the ramp in just a few minutes."

"How did the Stredviks kill my father?" I asked her curiously.

"They burned him," she answered. "One day, when you were only about five months old, the Stredviks chased him to a remote cabin in the woods in Puerto Rico. They made sure it was completely surrounded, including a helicopter. Then they torched the cabin with him inside."

"What was his name?"

"Valtoro. His name was Valtoro Salvius."

"What was he like?" I probed.

"He was a good man. He was compassionate, kind, warmhearted, generous, and adventurous. His personality pretty much matches yours."

"How would you know? You don't know anything about me," I snapped.

"Valen, I thought you understood why I had to leave you with Sofia and William. The Stredviks would have killed you no matter how old you were. In fact, I'm surprised you were still here to see your twenty-fourth birthday."

"Then why haven't they done it already? Why have they been watching me for days instead of trying to kill me?" I asked curiously.  "And why would they wait until I've changed?" There were so many unanswered questions running through my mind.

She shook her head. "I don't know, but they must have a plan. An agenda of some sort."

We were silent a few beats before another question popped into my head. "Did he kill anyone?"

She gave me a sidelong glance. "You mean: did your father kill anyone?" She asked.

I nodded yes.

"Only when he had to," she answered nonchalantly.

"But didn't he crave blood?"

"Yes, but he didn't have to kill innocent humans to get it," she answered before changing the subject. "Okay, here comes the ramp for the interstate. What the hell?"

I sat up straighter in my seat so I could get a better look at what was going on up in front of us. There were blue lights all over the place. There was a roadblock set up at the entrance ramp for the interstate.

She pulled a blanket from the back seat and threw it in my lap. "Okay, when we reach the cops, I want you to cover most of your face with this blanket and pretend you're sleeping."

"Why? They're not after us," I told her.

"They may not just be cops either. Stredviks own people, plus some of them have careers other than vampire hunting," she said. "They could be doctors, lawyers, your mailman, or even a cop."

"Okay." I leaned back in the seat, covered my face, and closed my eyes just like she ordered.

I heard the car window go down. "Hello Officer? What's going on?" Graciela asked him coolly.

A deep, male voice spoke in return. "Hi ma'am. It's nothing to be concerned about. Can I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance please?" He smelled of coffee and cheap cologne.

"Sure. I just need to get them." I could feel Graciela reach over to the glove compartment and pull something out. "Here you go officer."

"Your license says you're from Maine. Are you here on vacation?" The officer asked.

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