Chapter 14

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The next morning, Rob was waiting for me at our squad car. I was just about to walk out the front door of the station to join him when Liam stopped me. I already knew Liam was making his way toward me. I'm pretty sure I picked up his scent as soon as he had reached the corridor door. One of my new abilities I assumed. He smelled really good too. 

"Hey Valen," Liam greeted me with his sexy smile.

"Hi Liam." My heart suddenly ached at that thought of not being able to see him again after today. I mean, I may run into him from time to time, but that may not be every day.

"I wanted to tell you happy birthday," he said, and his smile grew bigger.

I forced a smile back, attempting to hide my sadness. "Thank you," I told him. Oh my goodness! I felt a sting hit the back of my eyes. I can't cry. Not here, not now. 

"I also got you something," he stated, surprising me. "Can we get together tonight? I want to give you your gift? Plus, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

I wonder if my expression highlighted how shocked I was. "A gift?"

"Yeah. I got you a gift. Can you come over to my place? I'll make you dinner," he smiled again.

"That's very thoughtful of you. I kind of had something planned though. Is it okay if I drive to your place, say around seven? Then I can take care of my other plans afterwards." There was something I really wanted to do before I left, but I also didn't want to miss my chance to say goodbye to Liam.

"Sure, that would be great. I'll text you the directions," he said before giving me a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Be careful out there," he whispered at my ear, making chills run down my spine. The good kind of chills.

This time my smile wasn't forced. It was a happy smile. "I will. Thanks!" I told him.

On my way to the squad car, I quickly spotted the black SUV. It wasn't hard to spot with my new more-than-perfect eyesight. The Stredviks aren't going to let me out of their sights. I knew in that moment that it was going to be tough to get away from them tonight.

"Would it be okay if we rode by a friends' house? She thinks she may have a stalker," I asked Rob once I was in the squad car.

"Sure, but does her stalker really watch her during the day? Usually they strike at night because it's easier to hide."

"Yep. She said he's normally there day or night."

"Okay. What is your friends address?" Rob asked.

I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket and read him Mrs. Morelli's address.

Mrs. Morelli was telling the truth. There was a dark grey car sitting on her street. "There's the car." I told Rob. "Go to the next street over, out of sight, and let me out. I'll sneak up on him."

"Are you sure you should approach him alone?" Rob asked.

"Positive. I'll be fine."

Rob did as I asked. When I reached the grey car I opened the passenger side door and got in. The driver had no idea I was there, which is another advantage of being a dhampyr.

"What the hell? Who are you?" The thirty-something, dark haired man asked, clearly surprised.

"Why are you watching Mrs. Morelli?" I asked him sternly.

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