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She still seems hesitant and worried when she speaks, but she's a lot more comfortable nonetheless.

They finish the biscuits and the gravy is on the stove. Emiko is standing next to Jiro stirring it. Momo walks into the room and wraps her arms around Jiro's waist.

"Good morning" She says kissing the top of Jiro's head. She turns to Emiko and smiles.

"Good morning" Emiko says quietly.

"Did you sleep good?" Momo asks.

"Mhm" Emiko covers her smile with her hands that are covered by the hoodie.

"Are you gonna patrol today or do you want me to?" Jiro asks. Momo sighs and rests her chin on Jiro's head.

"That's right, we have jobs" She fake pouts at Emiko making her giggle.

"It's up to you" Jiro says looking up and kissing Momo's chin.

"I guess I will. I can see if Todoroki~Kun wants to join. Do you guys want to hang with Eito today?" Momo says. Jiro looks over at Emiko who smiles and nods.

"Yeah sounds fun. We may take them to a park or something" Jiro says.

"What's a park?" Emiko asks.

"It's a place for you guys to play" Jiro says. Emiko smiles.

"So what's for breakfast?" Momo asks. Emiko points to the biscuits on the counter.

"We made those things! And she said this goes on it and it's yummy!" Emiko explains excitedly. Momo chuckles and grabs three plates.

"Sounds good"

~With Todoroki and Eito~

Mitsuki ended up leaving after Eito fell asleep. Granted that didn't last very long but he does seem to be feeling a little better.

"Eito do you want some water?" Todoroki asks handing Eito his sippy cup. Eito takes it and gulps it down. Todoroki's phone rings and he reaches into his pocket to answer it.


"Hey Todoroki~Kun! You should come patrolling with me. Kyoka and Emiko will hang with Eito" Momo says over the phone.

"Well I don't-"

"Nonsense. I know you've been stressed about Bakugou. You may even be able to find him! You're coming so get ready" Momo hangs up the phone before Todoroki could protest.

"Eito do you want to hang out with Aunt Jiro and Emiko?" Todoroki asks. Eito whines and shakes his head.

"Stay you papa" He says.

"You'll be okay. You'll have fun" Todoroki picks him up to get him dressed.

~20 minutes later~

Somebody knocks on the door and Todoroki walks over to answer it, holding Eito on his hip.

"Hello Todoroki~Kun!" Momo says.

"I've told you before to call me Shoto" Todoroki says.

"Oh boo. You're no fun" Momo fake pouts then smiles at Eito. She opens her arms but he leans back whining angrily.

"I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen. He got sick. He's been throwing up" Todoroki says.

"Poor guy. But you look like shi- crap. You have to come. Kyoka is great with kids, he'll be just fine" Momo reaches out for him and this time he let's her hold him. Todoroki grabs the carseat from his car and puts it in Momo's.

They get in the car and drive the 10 minutes to Momo and Jiro's big house. They get Eito out of the car and walk into the house. Emiko jumps up from the couch and runs up to Todoroki with a smile.

"Hello Emiko. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good! We made food and she's teaching me how to read!" She yells happily. Eito whines and leans out of Todoroki's arms and Emiko grabs him.

"Emiko" He says smiling a little.

"Something's wrong" She says suddenly very serious.

"Emiko he's okay. He's just sick" Momo says. She nods and puts Eito on the ground so he can stand next to her.

"Can you do my hair again?" Emiko asks pushing her long hair off of her shoulder.

"I guess. Do you guys have hair ties and a brush?" Todoroki asks. Jiro nods and walks out of the room, coming back with three hair ties and a brush.

Todoroki does Emikos hair quickly and she smiles and thanks him. Todoroki tells Jiro what to do with Eito in what situation and says goodbye. Him and Momo drive down to the bigger part of the city to patrol.

"How you holding up?" Momo asks.

"Not below the surface" Todoroki replies.

"We're always here to help"

"I know! Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because we know you need it. The others, they listen when you say no. But I know you're just too stubborn to ask for help. That's why I made you come"

"Thanks...I guess"

"Of course. But it's not just us. The whole pack is happy to help"

"We're a pack?"

"Yup! We just don't have our main alpha yet. We're waiting until a good time to talk about it"

"I see"

~With Jiro and the kids~

Eito and Emiko are sitting next to Jiro while she reads them a Dr.Suess book, Hop on Pop. Eito giggles and points to the pictures and Emiko pays very close attention to the words and how Jiro says them.

A few books later, Jiro makes them sandwiches and they all eat happily. Eito seems to have completely recovered. He has no fever and hasn't thrown up at all.

"How about we go to the park?" Jiro suggests.

"What dat?" Eito asks.

"It's a fun place where you play. Right Jiro?" Emiko says.

"Yup that's right. Do you want to go?" Jiro smiles. Emiko nods and Eito claps his hands. Jiro packs a small bag and her keys. They all put on their coats and head outside. The park is just down the road so they decide to walk. Jiro carries Eito and Emiko walks shyly at her side.

"Oh my gosh! Hi! You're Emiko. I saw you on the news. Are you okay hun? What did they do to you?" A girl asks running up to them and getting in Emiko's face. She looks young, probably a first year in high school.

Emiko grips Jiro's hand tighter and hides behind her. Her quirk starts to activate a little causing mild heat on Jiro's hand but she ignores it. Jiro taps the girl's shoulder and she looks up at her.

"And this is Eito! He looks so much better than before! Hi buddy. Are you happy now" She asks now getting in Eito's face and trying to tickle him. He whines and tries pushing her hands away.

"Stop" He whines. Jiro gently places her hand on the girl's shoulder and pushes her away.

"Excuse me. I understand that you may have questions for these two. But if you couldn't tell already, they've been traumatized. You getting in their face and touching them is making them feel unsafe. A simple wave and a hello would be the appropriate action at this time" Jiro says. The girl puts on a look of disgust and walks away, but as shes doing so she runs her hand through Emiko's braids.

Emiko gasps sharply and presses her face into Jiro's back, gripping her hand extremely tight. Jiro walk over to the edge of the side walks and gently pulls Emiko with her. She sets Eito on the ground and kneels down towards Emiko.

"It's okay hun. She was just being rude. You're perfectly fine" Jiro says putting her hand on Emiko's shoulder.

Emiko looks up and nods. They start walking again but stop when they hear screams coming from an alley a short way up the road.

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