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He lays next to the both of them and falls asleep with one arm over both of them.

Todoroki walks into the house quietly and kicks off his shoes. He walks into the bedroom and sees the cutest thing he's ever seen.

Bakugou fast asleep with Eito and Emiko curled up next to him. Todoroki smiles and walks out of the room. Guess I've been banished to the guest room. He chuckles and pulls the blankets back in the guest bedroom and goes to sleep.

~Morning time. 9:45am~

Bakugou is the first one awake. He carefully slips away from the two sleeping kids and walks around the house looking for Todoroki. He finally find him in the guest bedroom and lays next to him. The movement woke Todoroki up.

"Good morning" He says propping his head up in his hand. Bakugou blushes a little

"Morning" He whispers resting his face on Todoroki's chest.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Just not feeling the best today"

"Maybe you're hungry. We should get the kids ready to meet with everyone else soon" Bakugou chuckles.

"The kids. How cool is it that we can say that?"

"Pretty damn cool" Todoroki chuckles. He gets up from the bed and walks to the kitchen. Bakugou stays in bed for a few more minutes before getting up and walking to his and Todoroki's room.

Emiko is already awake and staring blankly at the wall.

"You okay?" Bakugou waves his hand in front of her face. She jumps a little and nods.

"Yeah" She says quietly.

"Let's go have some food. We have to meet with everyone else soon"

"Everyone else?"

"Yeah. The other heroes that helped save you"

"Oh. I liked them. Especially the one who carried me. She looked nice"

"Yeah, they're okay. Come on, I'll get him ready" She nods and walks out of the room.

Bakugou walks over to Eito and picks him up. Eito wakes up and smiles, putting his chubby hands on Bakugou's cheek. Bakugou nuzzles his cheek and stands up.

"Let's get you dressed little man" Bakugou smiles and carries Eito to his bedroom.

He sets him on the foam mat thingy and pulls drawers open. He pulls out a blue and red stripped shirt, overalls, and white sneakers. He changes Eito's diaper and gets him dressed up.

He feels oddly content with the moment. Just the night before they fought the most wanted villains and rescued a child. Yet for some reason, Bakugou feels happy. He sits on the bed holding his son in his arms. Eito plays with Bakugou's spikey hair and giggles.

"Food's ready!" Emiko giggles. Bakugou stands up and walks to the kitchen. There's pancakes on plates on the table. Luckily this time the kitchen isn't trashed.

Bakugou sets Eito down in his highchair and pours a little syrup on his pancake. Eito claps his hands and starts eating. Emiko however, is a bit more hesitant.

"Go ahead. They're good" Todoroki smiles taking a bite of pancake. Emiko slowly takes a bite. She shrugs but eats the rest of it.

"What do you think? Good?" Bakugou asks.

"It's pretty sweet, but I guess" She says. Todoroki chuckles.

"Wow, I've never heard of a child who doesn't like sweets" He says.

"What can I say? I'm unique" She smiles as well.

"That you are" Bakugou laughs, taking Eito our of the highchair and setting him on the floor in the lounge.

"We're gonna go soon. Do you want to take a shower?" Todoroki picks u the plates and sets them in the sink.

"Shower?" Emiko questions.

"You don't know what a shower is?"


"Like, where you get clean"

"Oh. A bath?"

"Kinda. Do you want to take a bath?"

"Sure" Todoroki smiles and walks with her to the bathroom.

Bakugou sighs and walks to the kitchen to do the dishes. He's cleaning and making sure he can see Eito to make sure he's not hurting himself. He smiles at the toddler who's playing with cars in the coffee table. After a few seconds Bakugou hears a series of thuds and Eito crying. He puts the sponge down and runs to the stairs. Eito is laying at the bottom of the stairs crying. Bakugou runs down the stairs and scoops him up.

"What hurts bud?" Bakugou asks calmly. Eito touches his arm and Bakugou looks at it.

"Owie" Eito whines.

"It's okay. It'll be better soon. You have to be careful with these stairs" Bakugou carries Eito up the stairs and sits on the couch with him. Todoroki walks into the room.

"What happened?" He asks.

"He fell down the stairs. We should really put a gate there" Bakugou replies running his hand through Eito's curly hair. He wipes the tears from Eito's eyes and kisses his cheek.

"You're okay bud" Todoroki ruffles his hair and walks towards the kitchen to finish the dishes.

"I can do that you know" Bakugou calls from the couch.

"I know. But you said you weren't feeling good. I'll do this, you just chill" Todoroki flashes Bakugou a smile and turns back to the dishes. Bakugou chuckles and turn his attention to Eito.

"You're papa is so amazing. You get somebody like that when you grow up okay?" Bakugou tickles him a little. Eito giggles and claps his hands.

He pulls out his phone and texts Kirishima.

ExplosionDaddy: what time we meeting.?

DwaneTheRockJohnson: i think we decided on 12?

ExplosionDaddy: okay

DwaneTheRockJohnson: see ya then!

ExplosionDaddy: yeah whatever

Bakugou puts his phone away and turns on some cartoons for Eito. Eito yells happily as all the characters walk into the screen. Bakugou smiles and rests his head on the back in the couch.

After a while Todoroki walks into the room with Emiko. She sits on the floor leaning against the couch. Todoroki walks to the back of the couch so he can see Bakugou's face.

"Feeling any better?" He asks.

"Yeah, a little" Bakugou replies. Todoroki smiles at him and kisses him.

"What time are we going to meet with everyone?"


"An hour and a half. Okay" Emiko walks up to Todoroki and hugs on his shirt. "Yeah?"

"Can you do my hair again? Like last night?" She asks. He smiles and nods. She smiles and walks into the bedroom to get the brush and rubber bands. She walks back into the room and sits on the floor in front of Todoroki.

"Your hair is so long. It's so fun to play with" He says brushing through her damp hair.

"Hehe yeah I guess. It's a pain sometimes"

"Yeah, I bet it is"

Bakugou smiles. He's glad she warmed up to them so quickly. Even if she's still scared, at least she trusts them.

Oh boy it's been a while. Hehe sorry about that

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