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Todoroki woke up feeling someone laying on his chest. He started to panic and push the person off. But when he opened his eyes, they met the crimson ones he loved. Bakugou looked worried and sat up.

"Sorry" Todoroki mutters.

"Don't be, it's fine" Bakugou says kissing his cheek, "Now get up, we got shit to do" Bakugou climbs out of bed and pulls out clothes for the both of them. They get dressed and grab a quick breakfast before walking out the door and down the road.

"So we need to get clothes, you a new phone, and probably some groceries" Todoroki says.

"Mhm" Bakugou says, disconnecting their hands when they make it to the busier part of town. They get the clothes first, then the phone. They decide to get groceries later because they still have quite a bit back at the house. They got ice cream and sat on a bench at the park.

Todoroki was watching the kids at the park play, he has a sad look in his face. Bakugou knows why he's sad, but he doesn't know how to comfort him.

"Do you have any family you need to see?" Bakugou asks looking over at Todoroki.

"That's right! I have to visit my sister. We should go before it gets dark" Todoroki leads them to a neighborhood with huge houses. They walk down to one of the biggest ones and stop in front of it.

"This it?"


"It's huge"

"I sure hope Endeavor isn't home" They walk up to the door and Todoroki rings the doorbell. A woman with white hair that has red stripes opens the door, with her head facing the opposite way if the two boys.

"Natsuo get the money off the counter the pizza is here" She yells. But when she turns to the two boys, he smile instantly drops.

"Shoto?" She asks, sounding like she doesn't believe it.

"Yup" Todoroki smiles and opens his arms, she runs to him and wraps him in a tight hug.

"Fuyumi I have the-" Natsuo stops in the doorway, "Who- Shoto?!" Natsuo joins the hug, making them all fall to the ground.

"Where have you been?!" Fuyumi yells. Todoroki just smiles up at the two of them.

"It's a long story" He replies. Bakugou stands near the doorway leaning against the wall with his hood up, trying to make himself disappear. The three siblings get up from the ground laughing at themselves. Todoroki looks over to see Bakugou shrinking against the wall, yet shivering from the cold.

"We should go inside" Todoroki suggests. Todoroki grabs Bakugou's hand discreetly as they walk inside.

"Dad must be home. It's roasting in here" Todoroki says. Him and Fuyumi activate their quirks to help cool the place down.

"Yeah, he didn't have the best day. Wouldn't tell us why though. He's been mad since yesterday" Fuyumi explains. There's another knock on the door and Natsuo walked over to it to get the pizza.

"Where have you been?!" Fuyumi yells, dragging Shoto by the hand to the couch. Bakugou yet again tries to appear gone. Todoroki notices and turns his head to Bakugou.

"What's wrong?" He whispers.

"I feel like I'm intruding" Bakugou whispers back.

"Not at all"

"But you've been gone so long. You shouldn't have to worry about me"

"It's okay. I don't care and neither will they"

"Hey spikey dude, want some pizza?" Natsuo cuts in presenting the open box to Bakugou. He takes a slice, thanking him.

"Told you. Now take that hood off, you must be roasting" Todoroki slips Bakugou's hood off of his head.

"Is that-?" Fuyumi says, her eyes wide.

"The number one hero?!" Natsuo yells.

"Looks like you two don't need an introduction" Todoroki chuckles.

"Wait... Why... How...?" Fuyumi stutters trying to find the right words.

"Fuyumi, Natsuo. This is my boyfriend" Todoroki says. They're both at a loss for words.

"YOU'RE DATING THE NUMBER ONE HERO?!" Fuyumi screams/squeals, Todoroki gives a small nod and Fuyumi throws herself on the two of them.

"Okay calm down" Todoroki says pushing Fuyumi off of them. She sits in the coffee table in front of the two boys and looks at Bakugou, studying him. The discomfort is shown on his face as he slowly leans towards Todoroki. She stares at him for a minute or two before smiling and gently taking his hands into hers.

"Shoto, he's a keeper" She says, dropping Bakugou's hands and walking back to the chair she was originally seated in. Bakugou uses his jacket to cover his blush and Todoroki chuckles, wrapping an arm around him.

"Okay that was cute but you better start explaining" Natsuo says. And so he does. He tells them everything from Dabi, to Izuku. From Atsuko to escaping. They stare at him horrified, not knowing what to do.

They're angry and upset that he went through that. But they're shocked at how he can say what happend so calmly. The only part he seemed to struggle to get out was the part about Atsuko. They know it hurts him to continue, but they listen and wait until the end. When he's done, Fuyumi and Natsuo slowly walk over to him and give him a tight hug. Bakugou backs away, making sure he isn't in the hug because he can tell it's supposed to be just them.

"I'm so sorry" They both mutter.

"Don't be, it's not your fault" He says smiling at them.

"I'm going out!" Endeavor yells from somewhere in the back of the house followed by a door slamming shut.

"We should have a movie night! You've been gone so long and so many good movies have come out!" Fuyumi squeals. Todoroki looks over to Bakugou asking if he wanted to stay. Bakugou shrugged and nodded.

"Yay!" Fuyumi claps her hands and runs off towards the kitchen for snacks.

"Natsuo get blankets and pillows! You boys go upstairs and put on comfy clothes" She yells from the kitchen. Todoroki grabs Bakugou's hand and leads him up the stairs, down the hall, up more stairs, down another hall, and to a bedroom.

Todoroki walks over to the dresser and pulls out sweatpants for both of them. He chose a black shirt with a volcano on it for Bakugou and a white shirt with a snowflake on it for himself. He grabbed a plain black hoodie and pulled it on as well. The shirt is huge on Bakugou and Todoroki laughs a little when he looks over at him.

"What's so funny!?" Bakugou yells.

"You're cute in that shirt" Todoroki answers plainly, shrugging and smirking when he sees the blush in Bakugou's face.

After getting dressed, they run down the stairs and to the living room. The curtains are closed and the only light is coming from the TV. The coffee table is covered in various different snacks and movie cases.

"Alright. I feel it's only right that we start off by watching every single Shrek movie" She turns the movie on and the movie marathon begins.

Just some nice fluff because I've put my boys through hell so they deserve a break.

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